定性比较分析也被称为简易比较法(Simple Comparative Method)。它专注于几个自变量,而不是大量的自变量,因为它考虑的是自变量之间的关系,而不是它们单独的影响。定性比较分析比起其他定量分析方法,它更容易理解,也更具灵活性,方便研究者根据不同情况进行操作。 定性比较分析的过程可以分为三个主要的步骤:收集数据、检...
Dusa, A. (2018) “Consistency Cubes: A Fast, Efficient Method for Boolean Minimization”, R Journal, doi: 10.32614/RJ2018080 Ragin, C.C. (1987) The Comparative Method: Moving beyond Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies. Berkeley: University of California Press. Ragin, C.C. (2000) Fuzzy-S...
COMPARATIVE methodCOMPARATIVE studiesRESEARCH questionsRESEARCH personnelSOCIAL realityPurpose: Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) allows a systematic and transparent comparison of cases while investigating explanatory conditions as sufficient or necessary for an outcome to occur. This ...
2020年12月20日的质性研究研读小组第五十八次研读活动中,研究小组继续研读关于定性比较分析(qualitative comparative analysis, QCA)方法的文献,即Charles C. Ragin于1987年出版、2014年再版的Moving Beyond Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies: The Comparative Method一书。本次由高岭负责导读该书的第七章“A Boolea...
This working paper gives an overview of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), a method that enables systematic cross-case comparison of an intermediate number of case studies. It presents an overview of QCA and detailed descriptions of different versions of the method. Based on the experience appl...
The realm of QCA techniques—that is, the "comparative method" in the more narrow sense of the term—thus has to be distinguished, in particular, from the "statistical method," which proceeds on the basis of a large number of cases, drawn on a random basis if possible, and a relatively...
* Tulia G. Falleti and James Mahoney, “The Comparative Sequential Method,” in James Mahoney and Kathleen Thelen, eds.,Advances in Comparative-Historical Analysis, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015, Chpt.8. *西达·斯考切波著,何俊志、王学东等译:《国家与社会革命》,上海:上海世纪出版集团...
Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) is a method and analytical approach that can advance implementation science. QCA offers an approach for rigorously conducting translational and implementation research limited by a small number of cases. We describe the methodological and analytic approach f...
This paper presents a Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) analysis of data produced as part of the evaluation a Nation Health Service commissioned intervention in the North East of England. QCA is a case-oriented method that allows systematic comparison of cases as configurations of set memberships...
Anoverview1Conjuncturalcausation2Multiplecausation2Necessaryandsu cientconditions3So tware33Temethodanditsapplication4Crisp-setQCA(csQCA)4Fuzzy-setQCA( sQCA)6Multi-valueQCA(mvQCA)9 wo-stepQCA104UsingQCAtostudyREDD+policyprocesses14UsingQCAtostructuredata14UsingQCAtodrawin erences romdata165Challengesand...