you will need to apply for coverage under the Medicaid program. This program provides managed care to people who are disabled or age 65 or over and have income and assets that fall below certain federal and state thresholds.1
The article reports on the ruling of the Ohio Court of Appeals on the case of Richard Barnick v. Russell Barnick. The court affirms the eviction of a son from his father's home by the father's guardian to qualify for the nursing home benefits of Medicaid. Richard filed an action for...
You could qualify for Social Security Disability in Ohio if you make below a certain amount of money and have a condition that is disabling.
parents, the elderly and the disabled. Individuals with income or asset limits too high to qualify otherwise may be eligible asmedically needyunder Medicaid. If deemed medically needy, you'll need to have a certain amount of medical bills each month before Medicaid will pay. ...