Hastings' direct payment of Sally's tuition to Private College qualifies as educational assistance under the qualified EAP even though it is not directly related to her current job, and, in fact, qualifies her for a new trade or business. Using a qualified EAP The term "qualified" refers to...
Bombs targeted for replacement by the munition; Comparison with existing weapons with partial insensitive munitions; Key features of the weapon.TavernaMichaelA.Aviation Week & Space Technology
Piet A.J. de BoerRobert CharlesWouter H. LamersJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdFEBS LettersMoorman AFM, van den Hoff MJB, deBoer PAJ, Charles R, Lamers WH (1991b) The dynamics of the expression of C/EBP mRNA in the adult rat liver lobulus qualifies it as a pericentral mRNA. FEBS Lett 288...