To qualify for a police detective job in the United States, you generally must be a U.S. citizen and at least 21 years old. You also must have a valid driver’s license and pass physical fitness tests. In addition to testing your level of fitness, the tests ensure that you meet visio...
The best way to land a job as a detective is to work as a police officer or serve as a member of the armed forces for at least a few years. Although it is not always required, agencies often favor hiring detectives who have such experience. The Los Angeles Police Department requires al...
provided an opportunity for retraining and asecond chanceto qualify. Those failing to qualify on the second attempt shall not be allowed to retain a weapon issuedby the Departmentand shall not be allowed awork assignmentin the Paramedic, Traffic, Courts, orDetective Divisionuntil they subsequently ...
Different Shade of Blue: An Evaluation of the Civilian Detective Concept and Its Impact on Police Capabilities Financial distress and shrinking police candidate pools have diminished cities' abilities to protect the public. This thesis examines the manner in which cities have adapted by using civilians...