The hired Heavy Equipment Mechanicdiagnoses appropriate servicesand repairs for equipment using various systems found on the Department’s heavy equipment and automotive fleet.Utilizes diagnostic software and hardwaresuch as Caterpillar ET, Cummins Insite, Allison Software, Service Maxx Pro, ECS Trap Softwa...
For some reason there seems to be a stigma around the use of the title "technician" which is a real pity.If, for example, my car develops a fault, I'll take it to an automotive technician, or mechanic. A competent mechanic will have some knowledge of common faults on a given car, ...
If you want to work in the more specialised fields of M.E we’ve covered, such as the aeronautic or automotive sectors, then there are a number of apprenticeships on offer from businesses and companies in this sector. For example, companies like Jaguar Landrover, Toyota Manufacturing and ...
SAQA0695/12 LASTDATEFORENROLMENTLASTDATEFORACHIEVEMENT 2016-06-302019-06-30 Inallofthetablesinthisdocument,boththepre-2009NQFLevelandtheNQFLevelisshown.Inthetext(purposestatements,qualification rules,etc),anyreferencestoNQFLevelsaretothepre-2009levelsunlessspecificallystatedotherwise. Thisunitstandarddoesnot...