Medical representative is the primary point of communication for pharmaceutical and medical firms as well as healthcare providers. An Individual who chooses the career of a Medical Representative is also recognized as a Medical Sales representative or Pharmacy Sales representative. He or she works for...
Physical strength is important to qualify for medical tests that are important but it does not mean stopping him or her from becoming an airline pilot, he or she anyway doesn’t have to be able to run a triathlon. Table of Contents for Airline Pilot What is the role of Airline Pilot?
As well as identifying price movements over time in the market as a whole, the new index gives users the ability to divide the market to show, for example, how a basket of representative qualification prices in the construction sector has moved, compared to prices for qualifications in the bu...
Medical Financial Wikipedia NVQ (in Britain)abbreviation for (Education) National Vocational Qualification: a qualification that rewards competence in a specified type of employment Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000...
aThe SUPPLIES prices for the needs of VRS (« Véhicule Représentatif Série » i.e. Mass production representative vehicle) are identical to the mass production prices, except for the differences of the prototype assemblies and industrial means. However, it shall not exceed 3 times the mass...
(medical doctors, lawyers, and teaching professionals) are excluded from the analysis. These professions have very specific conditions upon entry into the labor market (civil servant pay scale due to residency, traineeship for teachers, or legal clerkship) that could bias the estimation of income....
pay condition for special functional areas;thecompetence,qualificationandperformance of a particular individual; and [...] 該等因素包括特別職能在市場上的薪金水 平;個別人士的才能、資歷和表現,以及工作性質和問 責層次的差別。
(e) perform civiljuristicactsas legal representative of the Centre. (d) 编写提交理事会和教科文组织的中心活动报告; (e) 作为中心法人代表履行民事法律行为。 A legal incapacity arises ...
In the event of such a removal, the Contractor shall, within fifteen (15) days, fill this representative vacancy in consultation with the Owner. Regardless of whom the Contractor has designated as the Project Manager, the Contractor remains the ultimate responsible party for performing the tasks ...
The aspects or factors which should be borne in mind when planning for an individual structuring an optimal compensation package or considering a cross-border move are as follows: A. Tax rates B. Residence planning C. Contracts of service and contracts for service...