Snapdragon 778G 5G Mobile Platform brings premium smartphone experiences for gamers, including 5G gaming, Elite Gaming features, and all-day battery life.
Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G是一款性能均衡、功能全面的处理器,尤其适合日常使用和中度游戏需求的用户。它提供了良好的5G连接能力、优秀的视频和摄影功能以及强大的AI支持。然而,在高负载任务下可能稍显不足,且价格相对较高。用户在选择时,应结合自身需求和预算进行综合考虑。
品牌型号:荣耀60系统:Magic UI 5.0snapdragon778G是骁龙778G处理器。骁龙778G是高通公司于2021年5月18日发布的5G移动平台。骁龙778G采用了6纳米工艺技术,骁龙778G5G芯片组采用高通Kryo670CPU,具有第六代人工智能引擎,具有12TOPS性能。主要功能:1、骁龙778G采用高通Kryo 670 CPU,可实现40%的性能...
Qualcomm发布3款5G处理器 并未放弃4G LTE市场 随着5G手机越来越普及,市场需要更多入门级和中端5G机型,芯片生产商也推出对应的处理器以配合不同产品价位的需求。Qualcomm昨日就发布了Snapdragon 480、Snapdragon 695和Snapdragon 778G 三款5G处理器,希望能与来势汹汹的MediaTek争夺5G手机市场。三款处理器从命名就可以...
Also of Interest Discover Your Perfect Snapdragon... Samsung Galaxy A90 5G Smartphone with... Samsung Galaxy S21 5G Smartphone with...Terms of Use Privacy Cookie Policy Accessibility Statement Cookie 设置 Language: English (US) Languages English ( United States ) 简体中文 ( China ) ...
The Snapdragon 778G retains many of the key aspects of the Snapdragon 780G but settles for a slightly lowered binned GPU and less powerful ISP. At the same time, the chip also boasts a faster CPU, better modem with support for mmWave 5G, and support for faster memory. Just like other ...
Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G相当于骁龙778G。Snapdragon是高通(Qualcomm)的一个处理器(CPU)系列,中文常被翻译为“骁龙”。因此,Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G实际上指的就是骁龙778G这款处理器。它是一款中高端的处理器,设计用于提供强大的性能和高效的能源管理。骁龙778G采用了先进的制程技术,...
“The new Snapdragon 778G 5G Mobile Platform achieves breakthrough innovations in camera and AI as it did in previous Snapdragon mobile platforms,” said Zeng Kunpeng, general manager, iQOO Product Line. “Based on the cutting-edge features of Snapdragon 778G, we look forward to bri...
The Honor 50 Pro Smartphone is powered by a Snapdragon 778G 5G Mobile Platform processor. Explore features, read device specs and learn where to buy.