<Pristine Qualcomm USB Drivers> <Qualcomm USB Driver Disk modified> 2.连接电源和手机,把USB线插入手机,手机上电,系统提示新设备 一共要装5个驱动,默认的顺序是: 1 (DIAG), 2 (Modem), 3 (ADB), 4 (GPS), 5 (Mass storage,自动安装驱动) 下面2步对所有设备都一样 选择“下一步” 选择“下一步...
I enable the diag ports on my QC Samsung phone I see the 2 Samsung USB serial COMs appearing under ports (I have the drivers instlled on my host PC as well) but in the guest VM I am not sure how to properly pass them so they get recognized properly and appear available in QXDM....
driversPath:\fre\\Windows10\ CMD:\DriverInstaller64.exe "/X|1|\fre\\Windows10\ value of bProc 0 last error code 2 Installation unsuccessful!! Do you have any advice for to work around these problems? Thanks in advance!! Click to expand... Go to device manager, right click on qualc...
analyzing and supporting customer issues. Have a very good understanding and knowledge of core DSP and RTOS topics. Have experience with Qualcomm debug tools such as QXDM, APEX, QACT and Crashman to perform a swift and accurate analysis of the issues. Have experience on debugging framework, algo...
analyzing and supporting customer issues. Have a very good understanding and knowledge of core DSP and RTOS topics. Have experience with Qualcomm debug tools such as QXDM, APEX, QACT and Crashman to perform a swift and accurate analysis of the issues. Have experience on debugging framework, algo...
bInterfaceNumber) format in decimal: e.g "001:003" or "001:003:0:3" (bus and addr are three zero-padded digits, cfg and intf are canonical values from the USB descriptor) --dlf-read DLF_FILE Read a DLF file generated by QCSuper or QXDM, enabling interoperability with vendor software...
高通芯片的Diagnostics驱动,主要是在Win7下使用(因Win10自带了)。 配合QXDM使用。 小米5会被识别为Qualcomm HS-USB Diagnostics 90AD,红米5A会被识别为Qualcomm HS-USB Diagnostics 900E。 部分系统安装驱动后,会提示冲突;需要在重启时按F8进入高级启动选项,选择“禁用驱动程序签名强制”进入系统再安装驱动。
“从磁盘安装” ,选择 路径里的 inf 文件: 安装时,系统提示找不到 androidusb.sys ,则指定路径到解压缩 的路径里(注意:inf 文件到高通解压的文件里找,这个目录下 只用到了 androidusb.sys)朗昇通信科技有限公司 安装成功后,打开手机、插入 USB 线,在“设备管理器”里可看到如下设备: 从上面图中,对应 QXDM...
<Pristine Qualcomm USB Drivers> <Qualcomm USB Driver Disk modified> 2.连接电源和手机,把USB线插入手机,手机上电,系统提示新设备 一共要装5个驱动,默认的顺序是: 1 (DIAG), 2 (Modem), 3 (ADB), 4 (GPS), 5 (Mass storage,自动安装驱动) 下面2步对所有设备都一样 选择“下一步” 选择“下一步...