LeeCColdSun_ Matrox 13 官网链接:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/227850484/quadstick-a-game-controller-for-quadriplegics 没有摄像头 GeForce 14 卑微的台阶 Vivante 7 这尼玛多饥渴 你的千哥哥 还看吧规 4 现在在哪可以买到 求 贴吧用户_a65NSGV 先看吧规 1 请问这种机器在哪可以买到 登...
Bapaco Tech 剩餘14 天 • 已籌集 5741% A mouth and voice operated game controller, mouse, and keyboard to assist a disabled gamer in playing games on the PS3, PC or Android http://quadstick.com 發起人: Fred Davison 有336 名支持者認繳了$ 27,905,幫助此專案變為現實。
A game controller for quadriplegics Shop Now Some things just need to exist. This is one of them. The Quadstick provides a hands-free way to play modern video games on consoles and personal computers. The Quadstick comes in three different models to fit your needs and budget. ...
KINNEBAR – Looking for a solution to help you focus and stay on task longer? AAVAA’s Smart Wearables Powered by Brain-Computer Interface Technology Are Redefining the Future of Device Control Gallery AAVAA’s Smart Wearables Powered by Brain-Computer Interface Technology Are Redefining the Futu...
A game controller for quadriplegics Shop Now Some things just need to exist. This is one of them. The Quadstick provides a hands-free way to play modern video games on consoles and personal computers. The Quadstick comes in three different models to fit your needs and budget. ...
Called QuadStick, the controller lets quadriplegic people experience the range of game functions; the QuadStick appears to a PS3 or PC host as game pad, mouse, keyboard and Flash drive, and works directly with them. The creator, Fred Davison, seeks to get it out the door to those who can...
Called QuadStick, the controller lets quadriplegic people experience the range of game functions; the QuadStick appears to a PS3 or PC host as game pad, mouse, keyboard and Flash drive, and works directly with them. The creator, Fred Davison, seeks to get it out the door to those who can...