Das Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantis Plus Triple-Quadrupol-Massenspektrometer kombiniert eine höhere Aufnahmegeschwindigkeit und Empfindlichkeit mit bewährter Robustheit und Zuverlässigkeit und ermöglicht so ein zuverlässiges gezieltes...
xmlns="http://www.wiley.com/namespaces/wiley" type="main" xml:lang="en">\n\n\nThe quest to determine the composition of gas\n\nThis article examines developments in quadrupole mass spectrometers over the past 30 years. It looks into the changing footprint of devices as...
& Heumann, K. G. (1987) Schwermetall-Spurenbestimmung mit einem kompakten Thermionen-Quadrupol-Massenspektrometer (Heavy metal trace determination with a compact thermal ionization quadrupole mass spec- trometer). Fresenius' J. Anal. Chem. 326: 118 -122....
xmlns="http://www.wiley.com/namespaces/wiley" type="main" xml:lang="en">\n\n\nThe quest to determine the composition of gas\n\nThis article examines developments in quadrupole mass spectrometers over the past 30 years. It looks into the changing footprint of devices as well as at ...
A power efficient selective mass range trap filling process in which the RF trapping voltage connected to the ring electrode is slowly modulated simultaneously with: (1) e-beam ionization bombardment and (2) application of a broadband supplemental waveform containing selected secular frequencies to the...