Quadruple bypass surgery is anopen-heartsurgical procedure that is done to improve blood flow to the heart muscle. In an open-heart surgery, the chest is cut open and the person is put on a machine to do the work of the heart and lungs during the surgery.1 To understand what it means...
@John57-- There are many surgeries that carry a lot of risk, and having a quadruple heart bypass surgery is certainly one of them. Heart disease runs in my family and I have had two close family members who have had this surgery. Even though this type of surgery is done every day, ...
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Recovering From Quadruple Coronary Bypass Surgery.Doctors said the basketball legend was on track to a full recoveryKedmeyDanTime.com
Weeks aftercanceling the final dates of a concert tour due to an unspecified health scare, the Monkees’Michael “Mike” Nesmithhas revealed that he has undergone quadruple bypass heart surgery. The precise details of Nesmith’s health woes have been scarce since he entered the hospital just befo...