There are 2 types of tendonitis,acute and chronic. Acute quadriceps tendonitis refers to inflammation that comes on suddenly, usually from a tendon strain or overloading it during exercise. Chronic quadriceps tendonitis occurs over time and generally results from long term repetitive use of the quad...
Can I walk with quadriceps tendonitis? The function of the quadriceps tendon and patellar tendon is to work with the muscles in the front of the thigh to straighten the knee. Therefore, both tendons are instrumental in allowing people to perform activities such as climbing stairs, walking, runni...
A Patient's Guide to Quadriceps Tendonitis of the Knee Introduction Alignment or overuse problems of the knee structures can lead to strain, irritation, and/or injury of the quadriceps muscle and tendon. Quadriceps tendonitis produces pain, weakness, and
running or soccer. Quick turns, starts, stops, jumping and running contribute to quadriceps tendonitis. Other factors that contribute to quadriceps tendonitis: Excessive frequency, intensity or duration of training.
rest and take it easy for a while and be sure to slowly taper up the activity once you feel able. One of the biggest mistakes after a muscle pull is trying to return to activity too soon without an appropriate recovery time. Again when you start to return to normal exercise and training...
knee_knee_quadriceps_tendonitis Compliments of:A Patient’s Guide to Quadriceps Tendonitis Montana Spine & Pain Center 500 W. Broadway 3rd Floor Missoula, MT 59802Phone: 406-327-1670 Fax: 406-329-5697 Montana Spine & Pain Center