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This code works for real and imaginary roots. %%QUADRATIC FORMULA%% % A(x^2)+B(x)+C=0 begin_prompt = 'Quadratic Formaula (Yes/No)(1/0)' ; d = input(begin_prompt) if d == 1 prompt = 'Ax^2+Bx+C=0...A=' ; A = input(prompt) prompt2 = 'Ax^2+Bx+C=0....
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However when I try to derive a formula to be deployed outside matlab I find it extremely obscure how I'm to combine the quadratic terms with the coefficients and so on? I tried to make the formula programmatically but that is not working when I test the result on some row of X. 테...
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Jiang; matlab code, J.B. Zhang; data curation, Z.Y. Jiang; Writing, J.B. Zhang. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Corresponding author Correspondence to Jianbo Zhang. Ethics declarations Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests. Additional information ...
In particular, no linesearch or sub-iteration is necessary, and close form formula for the step are used with guaranteed convergence. A classical example, like in the figure below that show an image deconvolution problem, is the resolution of an inverse problem with the minimization of J(x) ...
For EGATS, the slower MATLAB coder and the bigger population size, number of generations, and tabu search iterations resulted in its large computational time. Table 12. Platforms and parameters of the comparison algorithms DBA, WAITS and EGATS (-: parameters are not provided in the literature)...