lock bit write /WRITE GLOBAL No FREEZE BIT in Numonyx E7 Quad IO word read /Password Read in No Spansion F0 Reset No 8A Program resume No 07 Read SR-2 SP No DC Erase 256KB (4 byte addr)/4-BYTE No SECTOR ERASE in Numonyx 27 Read 4 byte password No 28 Write password No 29 ...
19.44 MHz to 174.70308 MHz; DPLL bandwidth = 50 Hz; 49.152 MHz signal generator used for system clock source Calculated using the nominal phase detector period (NPDP = R/fREF); the total time required is the time plus the reference validation time, plus the time required to lock to the ne...
MOTOROLA摩托罗拉MC68360 QUad Integrated Communications Controller 用户手册.PDF,查询M68300供应商 MOTOROLA MC68360 QUad Integrated Communications Controller User’s Manual Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products h
The very first iMac used a 233 MHz PowerPC 750 processor, manufactured by both Motorola and IBM, and was thus designated a G3 system by Apple; later versions of the CRT-based iMac used faster versions of the processor. Apple continued to use the iMac brand name for LCD all-in-one comp...