🍩 DNS over HTTPS command-line client golanggooglecloudflarecli-appdns-over-httpsquad9 UpdatedAug 30, 2024 Go This Module makes your Device to use Quad9 DNS Servers androiddnsmoduleserverziproottwrpmagiskquad9 UpdatedNov 4, 2023 Shell
If you haveDeep packet inspectionon your router, block DNS over HTTPs on port TCP 443 Option 2: Client, one by one You have to configure each machine connected to your router to use the Docker host as their DNS server. Docker containers ...
The app includes other features such as a full log of DNS queries, notification on block events, and encryption (using DNS-over-TLS) of all queries to the Quad9 systems. Find the “Quad9 Connect” app on the Google Play store: It is also possible to use Quad9 services using the Priva...
PowerShell scripts to configure Windows 11 DNS over HTTPS (DoH) for NextDNS, Quad9 and potentially other providers. - helgeklein/Win-DNS-DoH-PoSh