1做一片美的叶子金波总分:16分得分:分用时:分钟yuan yuanwang quna ke da shu hen mei远远望去,那棵大树很美。shu xiang yi duo I se de yun cong da di shang sheng qi树像一朵绿色的云,从大地上升起。wo xiang da shu zou qu我向大树走去。zou jin shu de shi hou wo fa xian zhi tou d...
朗诵文稿推荐 1. 中国风物 Chinese Cultural Icons 屈原与九畹溪的兰花Qu Yuan and the Orchids of Jiuwan Stream ——《用英语讲中国故事》基础级 P008 The story goes that when the poet Qu Yuan (屈原) was banished by King Huai of Chu due to ...
Qu Yuan was born in Lepingli of Zigui County. There are also a lot of historical spots at Lepingli, Zigui, such as Xianggu Stream, Mirroring Well, Book-reading Cave, and Three Paddies Growing Jadewhite Rice, which reflects ordinary people’s...
The Qu Yuan Temple was originally built during the Tang Dynasty (618-907) to commemorate the patriotic poet some 1,100 years after his death. While the temple has undergone several renovations and even moved locations, the legacy of Qu Yuan still remains. Nowadays, people come...
This is a famous line from the poem "Li Sao", or Encountering Sorrow, written by ancient Chinese poet Qu Yuan. 这个名句出自诗篇《离骚》,作者是中国古代诗人屈原。 It portrays the poet's positive attitude to move ahead amid obstacles to fulfill his dreams. ...
the heaven" in Chinese. Poet Qu Yuan is connected with the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival. /CFP As is given away in the title, the poem "Tianwen" contains verses in question format addressed to the heaven that delve into the ancient culture of China and Chinese mythology.(CGTN)
qun er you yuan zhongying tao yi shuxing yuan er sehonger cai shumeiyǔ群儿游园中。樱桃已熟,形①圆而色②红儿采数③枚,与di mei fen shi zhi he xiaojiang duoqi wei jf tian弟妹分食之。核小浆多,其味极甜。zhushixing xingzhuang se yan se shu jǐ jǐ geshi chi【注释】①形:形状。②色:...
《Qu Yuan fu xuan (Zhongguo li dai shi ren xuan ji)》是Yuan liu chu ban gong si出版的图书,作者是Yuan Qu 内容简介 中國文壇在以屈原賦為代表的楚辭哺育之下,兩千多年來,開放出無數奇花碩果。本書選注者在前人研究成果的基礎上,擇善而從,對所選屈賦22篇逐字逐句作了注釋,並分段作了今...
Qu Yuan was born in Lepingli of Zigui County. There are also a lot of historical spots at Lepingli, Zigui, such as Xianggu Stream, Mirroring Well, Book-reading Cave, and Three Paddies Growing Jade-white Rice, which reflects ordinary people’s deep love an...