Ainsi, les articulations régionales ont été projetées lors de la colonisation. La paroisse, espace vécu, a aussi été vue comrne un espace opérationnel qui devait structurer la modernisation sociale et économique du pays. L'aspect durable des représentations ainsi introduites témoigne de ...
In addition to the influence of distance to metropolitan area, a multiple regression model shows that factors such as manufacturing specialization and employment growth within job centres also play a crucial role in the spatial dynamics of local labour markets in the Québec City metropolitan field....
It provides a new look on the temporo mandibular joint growth.%L'étude des déformations crâniennes intentionnelles met en évidence les relations crâne-face. Le remodelage de la voûte crânienne est issu des modifications du processus ontogénique de flexion basicrânienne. Cela ...
We used a process-based ecophysiological model to examine changes in forest regeneration conditions across an elevational and latitudinal gradient in Alberta, Canada from 1923 to 2012. We compared these results to a recent empirical study in the region to infer the recent drivers of regeneration ...
An apparatus for polyvinyl chloride thermal degradation under isothermal conditions and in a controlled atmosphere is described with precision. Continuous measurement of loss of weight of the sample under degradation and, at the same time, continuous titration of hydrochloric acid evolved, can be ...