QTP10启动错误:Error creatingUnable to create configuration directory "C:UsersmR?ã? directory entry 安装完之后打开就一直: 百度也不知道为哈子(莫非是中文的用户名?反正我不想重装系统),真是很气人。 我就直接创建了一个临时账户,登陆进去,就可以运行了:...
一种是把包含Configuration.xml文件和各个 HTML文件的文件夹打包成.zip文件,在ProcessGuidanceManagement中导入,如图8所示: 图8导入过程指南压缩文件 另外一种方法是直接在注册表中设置,找到如下注册项: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ercuryInteractive\QuickTest Professional\icTest\ProcessGuidance\ConfFiles 然后添加一个自...
Go To command prompt. [Start>Run> Typecmd] Change directory toC:Program FilesHPQuickTest Professionalbinusing the command cd C:Program FilesHPQuickTest Professionalbin Type innt_tr.exe –removeas shown in the image below. You will see a message box statingText recognition has been uninstalled....
I am Divya.Am learning QTP and i have installed QTP in my pc with windows7 os.I was practicing wid this.After few days ,am unable to open QTP,when i am clicking on the icon it is not responding.I also gone through the prgms to open it,but was unable to open. ...
You might encounter the following error message if you try to use an existing user in a Local Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) user registry with Tivoli Access Manager: AWXJR0008E Failed to create a PDPrincipal for principal mgr1.:
Follow this task to configure a single, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) repository in a new configuration under Federated repositories.Before you beginTo configure an LDAP repository in a new configuration under Federated repositories, you must know a valid user name (ID),...
The client has not specified an authentication type, and the server has not responded with a supported type. This can include the server returning multiple types from which the client is unable to choose. To resolve this problem, ensure that your client and server use the same security mechanis...
At server startup, the post-installer will run automatically against each node in order to update the configuration file system to the new service level. Note:In Network Deployment cells, the deployment manager node must be at the same or a later service level than t...