QCollator - Compares strings according to a localized collation algorithm QCollatorSortKey - Can be used to speed up string collation QCommandLineOption - Defines a possible command-line option QCommandLineParser - Means for handling the command line options QContiguousCache - Template class that p...
QCollator——比较根据本地化字符串排序算法 QCollatorSortKey——可以用来加快字符串排序 QCommandLineOption——定义了一个可能的命令行选项 QCommandLineParser——意味着处理命令行选项 QContiguousCache——模板类,它提供了一个连续的缓存 没有UI QCoreApplication - Qt应用程序的事件循环 QCryptographicHash——生成...
findInstance.tableWidget.setCellWidget(row, 0, instance) 注意:我的connect函数return True。 如何connect在枚举所有instances?的循环中创建函数?波斯汪 浏览1193回答3 3回答 摇曳的蔷薇 我有同样的问题,您应该使用functools.partial例如:for key, val in a_DICT_THAT_YOU_STORED_YOUR_OBJECTS_AND_STRINGS: ...
self.send_key = QKeySequence(Qt.Key_Return, Qt.Key_Enter) self.terminal_tab_spaces =4self.mpy_cross_path =Noneself.preferred_port =Noneself.auto_transfer =Falseifnotself.load():ifnotself.load_old():# No config found, init at newest versionself.version = Settings.newest_versionreturnself....
D) if role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole: return Qt.AlignCenter if (obj is None) or (prop is None): return None try: if role in [Qt.DisplayRole, Qt.EditRole]: return getAttrRecursive(obj, prop['attr']) except: return None return None ...
setFilterKeyColumn(-1) self.table_attribute.horizontalHeader().hide() self.table_attribute.setModel(self.proxy_model) self.table_attribute.setColumnWidth(0, 28) self.filtering_edit.setPlaceholderText('Type here to filter...') self.selection = -1 self.filtering_edit.textChanged.connect( lambda...
:return: """ifisinstance(sql, str): sql = [sql]elifnotisinstance(sql, (list, tuple)):raiseTypeError(ru(QCoreApplication.translate('DbConnectionManager','DbConnectionManager.execute: sql must be type string or a list/tuple of strings. Was %s'))%ru(type(sql)))foridx, lineinenumerate(sql...
问'PySide.QtCore.Signal‘对象没有属性'connect’EN我在Pyside 1.2.4和PyQt 4.8.7中使用Python3...
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You can use either QJsonObject::operator[]() or QJsonObject::value() to access values within the JSON object; both are const functions and return QJsonValue::Undefined if the key is invalid. We check if the keys are valid before attempting to read them with QJsonObject::contains(). ...