这里`Core`, `Gui`, `Widgets` 是根据你项目的需要,可能还需要包含其他如 `Network`, `Qml`, `Quick` 等模块。 然后创建一个 Qt 资源文件(.qrc)。Qt 资源文件是一个 XML 文件,列出了要包含在应用程序中的资源。例如,你的资源文件 `resources.qrc` 可能看起来像这样: ```xml <RCC> <file>icons/log...
noticed a problem if adding images etc to qt_add_qml_module() RESOURCES: set(CMAKE_AUTORCC ON) ... qt_add_executable(${MY_APP} cpp/main.cpp ) # module not re-used, executed at app-start qt_add_qml_module(${MY_APP} URI Main_Module QML_FILES ${my_qml_files} ${my_js_files}...
you're in for a surprise: The attributes will not be applied if you usethe component from another .qml file in the same directory. For exampleif you made MyPage a singleton and then used it from xxx.qml, it wouldgive you a confusing...
这里`Core`, `Gui`, `Widgets` 是根据你项目的需要,可能还需要包含其他如 `Network`, `Qml`, `Quick` 等模块。 然后创建一个 Qt 资源文件(.qrc)。Qt 资源文件是一个 XML 文件,列出了要包含在应用程序中的资源。例如,你的资源文件 `resources.qrc` 可能看起来像这样: ...
Back to CMake and qt_add_qml_module: Porting 20 apps I have to go step-by-step and the first step is gettingthe apps compile and run with CMake. The only way seems to be to load from URL instead from Module and todeal with the foot gun using RESOURCE_PREFIX and NO_RESOURCE_TARGE...
There is no bug. If your resource files are part of your QML module, then they will be in the same folder as your *.qml files. Probably "qrc:/Main_Module/images/..." in your case. To list your app's resource file paths, add the following lines to ...
structure, the build system, code model, the qmlls, qmllint qmltc, qmlsc - they all work exactly as prescribed. My first advice is this (which would also agree with Ulf): if you don't adhere to the proper QML module structure (which may I gently suggest, you haven't) ...