Qt6QmlMacros.cmake 文件是 Qt 6 框架中的一个 CMake 脚本文件。它包含了 Qt QML 模块的相关 CMake 宏和函数,用于处理 QML 文件和构建 QML 模块。当您在项目中使用 Qt 6 的 QML 功能时,这个文件提供了一些便捷的函数,如 qt_add_qml_module 和qt6_target_qml_sources 等,以简化 QML 项目的构建过程。
function(qt6_target_qml_sources target)set(options)set(oneValueArgs)set(multiValueArgs FILES)cmake_parse_arguments(_args "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})...foreach(_file IN LISTS _args_FILES)get_filename_component(_file_abs "${_file}" ABSOLUTE)...endfor...
QML singleton's properties undefined if QML file placed in subdirectory e.g "qml" (${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/qml/Style.qml). When it placed in project root dir everything works fine. thats module declaration: set_source_files_properties(Style.qml PROPERTIES QT_QML_SINGLETON_TYPE TRUE ) qt_add_...
If using a statically built Qt, the backing target's.qmlfiles will be scanned during the CMake configure run to determine the imports used by the module and set up linking relationships. When a.qmlfile is added to or removed from the module, CMake will normally re-run automatically and t...
So I only have ONE QML Module directly loaded at start: main.cpp: engine.loadFromModule("Main_Module", "Main"); qt_add_executable(my_app main.cpp ) include(my_qml_files.cmake) qt_add_qml_module(my_app URI Main_Module QML_FILES ${myqmlfiles} ...
*Subject:* [Interest] CMake - List Sources: qt_add_executable vsqt_add_qml_module ... ported my apps from 5.15 to 6.6, now on my way from QMake to CMake App is not modularized yet (ToDo for later ;-) So I only have ONE QML Module directly loaded at start: ...
I have understood, though, that nobody wants to follow this rule. I'llcome up with some technical solution that allows you to declare either amodule spanning multiple directories or a collection of modules, eachwith its own directory. with a single CMake function call. The earliestpossible ve...
what is recommended in this case ? It doesn't really matter. My recommendation is to list all the C++files that produce types exposed to QML in the QML module and allother C++ files in qt_add_executable. thx ...makes sense ekke
with its own directory. with a single CMake function call. The earliest possible version for that to surface in is 6.8, though. best regards, Ulf ___ Interest mailing list Interest@qt-project.orghttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https://lists...
[Interest] CMake - List Sources: qt_add_executa... ekkeRe: [Interest] CMake - List Sources: qt_ad... Mike Trahearn via Interest Re: [Interest] CMake - List Sources: q... ekke Re: [Interest] CMake - List Sources: qt_ad... Ulf Hermann via Interest Re: [Interest] CMake -...