这个是缺少平台库,qwindow.dll,我放在 .exe目录下 不对,还是报错,于是我使用QApplication::addLibraryPath("./plugins"),在.exe下面创建一个plugins目录,把platforms目录放进去 ,还是有报错,我用ProcessExplorer查看了.dll依赖,于是 把缺的全部补上去。好大功告成,但是 问题又来了。所有库 都正确加载,就是有一...
11 An error building Qt libraries for the raspberry pi 5 Error building simple Qt5 application 4 Qt LNK2019 Error with basic Qt5 application 9 Qt creator Adding external library (still: Cannot open include file: 'GL/glew.h') 0 QT shared library undefined reference to 1 Cannot fin...
QT & Qt Creator & MySql安装: QT:不知道QT开发人员怎么想的,总是跟空格过不去,安装QT时尽量将其装在根目录下,路径中尽量不要有中文,否则由于这问题出现诡异情况,GOOGLE都不一定好使~ Qt Creator:我的Qt Creator是在VS2008安装完成之后装的。装完Creator,它就默认使用VS编译器了(如果有问题,从VS环境变量、Q...
放到你的可执行程序的文件夹中,然后再去F:/QT/qt/plugins,找到plugins, 和加图片一样,把phonon_backend也放到你的可执行程序的文件夹中。别忘了在main函数中加QApplication::addLibraryPath("./plugins"); (如果你没加) 再看一遍,图片声音都有的发布版吧!
QString strLibPath = a.applicationDirPath(); strLibPath += "/plugins"; //plugins就是插件目录 a.addLibraryPath(strLibPath); //此代码必须在QTextCodec的代码前执行 QTextCodec *pcodec = QTextCodec::codecForName("gb2312"); QTextCodec::setCodecForCStrings(pcodec); ...
For an Embedded based project, I need to use QT4.8.7. I installed the QT 4.8.7 cross compiler in /usr/local/ directory. As QT4.8.7 do not have support QSerialPort, I am having hard time dealing with it. But as per this article we can add the QSerialPort library support in QT4....
Python QApplication.addLibraryPath - 32 examples found. These are the top rated real world Python examples of PyQt5.QtWidgets.QApplication.addLibraryPath extracted from open source projects. You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of example
void log_out_put(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &msg) { QByteArray localMsg = msg.toLocal8Bit();switch (type) { case QtDebugMsg: fprintf(stdout, "[Debug] %s (%s:%u, %s)\n", localMsg.constData(), context.file, context.line, context.function); ...
find_library(base_name, self.env, libdir) if qtmain: self.link_args.append(qtmain[0]) base_name = self.get_qt_winmain_base_name(is_debug) qt_winmain = self.clib_compiler.find_library(base_name, self.env, libdir) if qt_winmain:...