创建正确 qmldir 文件的更简单方法是在项目的 CMakeLists.txt 中的 qt_add_qml_module 宏中。这里,URI 参数用于指定插件的 URI,例如http://org.example.io。这样在项目构建的时候就生成了qmldir文件。 ::: TODO 如何安装模块? ::: 导入名为“org.example.io”的模块时,QML 引擎将查看其中一个导入路径并...
But it overwrites the translations from the the root project... How could I add module files to the Qt translation process? EDIT: I know I can add the files I want using theSOURCEargument like that: qt_add_translations(appTestLocalization #SOURCES Main.qml MyModule/MyLabel.qml TS...
4.使用qt_add_qml_module:在CMakeLists.txt中,使用qt_add_qml_module函数将QML文件添加到工程中。例如: qt_add_qml_module(your_target_name URI com.example.yourclassname VERSION 1.0 QML_FILES qml/main.qml ) 其中your_target_name是你的可执行文件的目标名称,URI指定了模块的标识符,VERSION设置了模块的...
添加QML文件:在工程目录下创建一个QML文件夹,将所有QML文件放在该文件夹中。 使用qt_add_qml_module:在CMakeLists.txt中,使用qt_add_qml_module函数将QML文件添加到工程中。例如: qt_add_qml_module(your_target_nameURI com.example.yourclassnameVERSION 1.0QML_FILESqml/main.qml) 其中your_target_name是你的...
qt3d/src/quick3d/imports/render/CMakeLists.txt:7 (qt_internal_add_qml_module) This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it. CMake Warning (dev) at qtbase/lib/cmake/Qt6Qml/Qt6QmlBuildInternals.cmake:410 (message): ...
Javascript文件可以由模块提供,方法是在指定模块的qmldir文件中添加标识符定义。 例如,如果用下面的qmldir文件指定projects.MyQMLProject.MyFunctions模块,并安装到QML导入路径中: module projects.MyQMLProject.MyFunctions SystemFunctions 1.0 SystemFunctions.js ...
CONFIG+=qmltypesQML_IMPORT_NAME=ChartsQML_IMPORT_MAJOR_VERSION=1 1. 2. 3. 在类piechart.cpp中仅简单实现了m_name 和 m_color的值存取,并以paint()来实现了一个简单饼形的绘制。也关闭了 QGraphicsItem::ItemHasNoContents标志以允许绘制:
Description I am trying to use the QuickTest module of Qt which was working already with Qt 6.2.2 (should also work for 6.5) like this: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS QuickTest) ... add_executable(tstSomeTest ${SRC_FILES} ${QML_RESOURCES}) ...
Add a comment 2 Answers Sorted by: 1 After lots of trial and error, I have found the answer: app = QApplication(sys.argv) engine = QQmlApplicationEngine() #THIS NEEDS TO BE THE PATH WITH THE MODULE DIR, NOT THE MODULE DIR ITSELF engine.addImportPath(f"{os.path.d...
However, the macro cannot be used in the case of non-exported functions from a different module or in case the function contains a ! character. In QML, include the Julia API: import org.julialang Then call a Julia function in QML using: Julia.my_function() Julia.my_other_function(arg1...