Qt新建项⽬Novalidkitsfound解决思路 Qt新建项⽬No valid kits found解决思路 第⼀次⽤Qt Creator创建Project时,进⼊Kit Selection窗⼝后,会提⽰No Valid kits found. Please add a kit in the options or via the maintenance tool of the SDK.错误。解决思路如下:需要设置Qt SDK,Device type等...
在以下文件复制你的bin/路径,在Qt应该是两个,主bin/目录和tools下的bin/。 如果这时你想构建一个项目,可能会出错,原因是没安装GCC和G++的编译库。 报错”No suitable kits found. Add a kit in the options or via the maintenance tool of the SDK”,在Qt version版本处选择,已安装的Qt版本。 这里为大家...
beware that if you run a Buildrootmake clean, all the contents ofoutput/, includingoutput/target/get removed. So this technique is only suitable for
development of NodeKits - add on libraries which can used directly in your code, or loaded indirectly when loading from file. The later allows you to load a .osg file with text or particle effects in them,the plugin architecture automatically loads the required library which supports thes...