要解决Unsupported makefile generator错误,您需要选择一个受支持的生成器来构建您的应用程序。以下是一些常见的生成器: Unix Makefiles:用于在Unix-like系统上构建应用程序,如Linux和macOS。 MinGW Makefiles:用于在Windows上使用MinGW工具链构建应用程序。 NMake Makefiles:用于在Windows上使用微软的NMake构建应用程序。
Unsupported major.minor version , 2017-03-15 11:39 −一、错误现象: 当改变了jdk版本时,在编译java时,会遇到Unsupported major.minor version错误。 错误信息如下 : Unsupported major.minor version 50.0 Unsupported major.minor ... 慧妃不美 0
1.基于MinGW静态编译Qt 1.1 安装一个动态编译版本的Qt 1.2 安装其他辅助程序 1.3 配置编译脚本 2.基于静态环境编译pyd文件 2.1 准备一个简单的测试项目 2.2 编译pyd文件 今天来做一个有趣的尝试就是静态编译Qt为pyd文件,其实看着简单的事情还是挺有挑战性的。主要是分为两个大的步骤,第一步是静态编译Qt,第二步...
(mingwg的环境也配置了,不知道哪里出错,求指教)Setting up environment for Qt usage...D:\Qt\Qt5.4.0\5.4\mingw491_32>cd /d D:\QtProject\ch02\hellorectD:\QtProject\ch02\hellorect>g++ -c rect.cpp -o rect.oD:\QtProject\ch02\hellorect>g++ -c hellorect.cpp -o hellorect.oD:\Qt...
打开cmake-gui.exe,在source code那里选择之前解压opencv源码里的source文件夹。Where to build the binaries设置目标位置,可以自由选择没什么限制,建议设置为一个空文件夹,因为会生成一大堆文件。然后点击configure。 2. 选择编译器 弹出一个窗口,选择编译工具集。这里选择MinGW Makefiles和specify native compilers。列...
link /OUT:..\bin\qmake.exe project.obj main.obj ioutils.obj proitems.obj qmakevfs.obj qmakeglobals.obj qmakeparser.obj qmakeevaluator.obj qmakebuiltins.obj makefile.obj unixmake.obj unixmake2.obj mingw_make.obj option.obj winmakefile.obj projectgenerator.obj property.obj meta.obj makefile...
whichisunsupported.+ -accessibility ... Compile Accessibility support.-no-sql-<driver> ... Disable SQL <driver>entirely.-qt-sql-<driver> ... Enable a SQL <driver>inthe Qt SQL module, bydefaultnone are turned on. 第一个比较容易理解: 是编译成动态库还是静态库,一般的话我们编译的都是动态库...
Makefile:41: recipe for target ‘sub-opcua-make_first’ failed mingw32-make[1]: *** [sub-opcua-make_first] Error 3 mingw32-make[1]: Leaving directory ‘C:/Qt/5.11.1/mingw53_32/open62541/qtopcua/bu ild/src’ Makefile:42: recipe for target ‘sub-src-make_first’ failed mingw32...
Win32 is the Windows system call interface [the native API is largely undocumented and unsupported]. This isn’t going to change anytime soon nor should it. BTW, what do you think the CLR is written in? 2005-02-11 7:03 pm Anonymous actually, if you were serious about cross ...
Project WARNING: This is an unsupported configuration. You may experience build issues, and by using Project WARNING: the 10.13.4 SDK you are opting in to new features that Qt has not been prepared for. Project WARNING: Please downgrade the SDK you use to build your app to version 10.13,...