// 串口关闭事件,如果窗口关闭前串口未关闭,则关闭串口void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event){ if (m_serial->isOpen()) m_serial->close(); event->accept();}// 波特率自定义void MainWindow::on_baudRCmb_currentIndexChanged(int index){ uint nCount = ui->...
ffmpeg Common.h error C3861: “UINT64_C”: 找不到标识符 解决方法:在 common.h 中添加如下代码: #ifndefINT64_C#defineINT64_C(c) (c ## LL)#defineUINT64_C(c) (c ## ULL)#endif#ifdef__cplusplus#define__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS#ifdef_STDINT_H#undef_STDINT_H#endif#include<stdint.h>#endif ...
m_propertySheet->isVisible(i))continue;constQString propertyName = m_propertySheet->propertyName(i);if(m_propertySheet->indexOf(propertyName) != i)continue;constQVariant value = m_propertySheet->property(i);constinttype = toBrowserType(value, property...
VK_EXT_index_type_uint8 : extension revision 1 VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block : extension revision 1 VK_EXT_line_rasterization : extension revision 1 VK_EXT_load_store_op_none : extension revision 1 VK_EXT_memory_budget : extension revision 1 VK_EXT_mesh_shader : extension revision 1 VK_EXT...
5、QDataStream & readBytes(char *&s, uint & len) 从流中读取缓冲区 len 个字符存到 s 并返回对流的引用。 如果读取的字符串为空,则将 l 设置为 0,将 s 设置为 nullptr。 6、int readRawData(char *s, int len) 从流中最多读取 len 个字节到 s 中,并返回读取的字节数。如果发生错误,则返回...
uint64_t type; uint64_t zPos; // Only consider primary and overlay planes as valid render targets if (!getPropertyByName(props, "type", &type) || (type != DRM_PLANE_TYPE_PRIMARY && type != DRM_PLANE_TYPE_OVERLAY)) { // Only consider overlay and primary (if allowed) planes as ...
int read_buffer(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size){...} (3)读取接收到的数据的基...
(UINT32)wcslen(RuntimeClass_Windows_Storage_ApplicationData), &hstrHead, &str))) return wstr; if (FAILED(RoGetActivationFactory(str, IID_PPV_ARGS(appdataFactory.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf())) return wstr; if (FAILED(appdataFactory->get_Current(appdataRef.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf())) return wstr...
被其他语言绑定为事件,数据通信非常方便。...比如: QT如果调用已经注册的COM组件,可以绑定COM组件提供的信号到自己的指定的槽函数。...数据类型和等效的COM数据类型之间进行转换。...Qt支持作为COM组件信号和槽函数参数的数据类型如下: Qt data type COM property bool VARIANT_BOOL QString BSTR int int uint ...
"t1\0t2\0name\0mark\0parent\0a" }; #undef QT_MOC_LITERAL static const uint qt_meta_data_test[] = { // content: 8, // revision 0, // classname 0, 0, // classinfo 8, 14, // methods 1, 76, // properties 0, 0, // enums/sets ...