编译环境时,就选择qt5.7.1. 四、配置opencv就是vs2013配置opencv与qt无关啊。 五、第一个vs的qt工程报错1、编译时常报:errorLNK1117 : 选项“...vs2013中新建一个qt界面工程了。4、但是,当配置成debug win32或者 release win32时,出现了平台不匹配的问题。暂时解决办法是,重新下载了...
Enable QtBluetooth logging. But nothing more interesting message to show. Don't use any Qt bluetooth API, just use command line tool hciconfig and hcitool to manually set up an advertising action. And it actually works ! My iPhone can "see" the device, and I can connect to it !
Project ERROR: SDK setup script failed. Output: === [ERROR:vcvarsall.bat] Invalid argument found : Unknown_arm64 This shows your Visual Studio missed the arm64 component, you need install the following component. But nowqt5-base:arm64-...
Otherwise: Your application will have to deal with large requests, unable to process the other important work it has to accomplish, leading to performance implications and vulnerability towards DOS attacks 🔗 Read More: Limit payload size 6.15. Avoid JavaScript eval statements TL;DR: eval is evil...
Logger.log("w","Unable to parse JSON command '%s': %s", line, repr(ex)) line = connection.readLine() 开发者ID:TinkerGnome,项目名称:Cura,代码行数:32,代码来源:SingleInstance.py 示例2: get defget():"""Return a remote Frescobaldi, or None if not available."""socket =QLocalSocket() ...
def __initUI(self): '''main window box''' self.mainBox = QVBoxLayout(self)#使用垂直布局类 self.showBox = QHBoxLayout() self.setWindowState(Qt.WindowMaximized) ### #command area: push button, plain text edit and line edit ### cmd_btn = QPushButton('Send C...
m_process->waitForStarted()) { showError(tr("Unable to launch Qt Assistant (%1): %2") .arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(app), m_process->errorString())); return false; } } return true; }To start the process we need the executable name of Qt Assistant as well as the command line ...
是否有目录可以通过hdc file send写入可执行程序 如何解决Mac电脑不能识别hdc命令的问题 如何解决连接手机时,提示:“hdc server part 8710 has been used”的问题 如何解决hdc运行不了,点击hdc.exe文件无法运行的问题 如何通过hdc命令拉起指定的UIAbility 如何使用hdc shell aa start的参数 如何通过hdc命令...
critical(self, translate("ImportWizard", "Import wizard"), translate("ImportWizard", "<b>Unable to proceed to next step</b>" "<br><br>Please check your entries." "<br><br>Error message:<br>%2") .arg(str(error))) return 浏览完整代码 来源:importwizard.py 项目:cheesinglee/spyder ...
("@info:status", "Unable to send data to OctoPrint.")) self._error_message.show() except Exception as e: self._progress_message.hide() Logger.log( "e", "An exception occurred in network connection: %s" % str(e)) self._gcode_stream = None # type: Optional[Union[StringIO, Bytes...