bit, dependent libraries: 32, release Unable to find dependent libraries of C:\Users\StevenWdV\.conan2\p\b\qt4b8706bc8fb4b\p\bin\Qt6NetworkAuth.dll :Cannot open 'C:/Users/StevenWdV/.conan2/p/b/qt4b8706bc8fb4b/p/bin/Qt6NetworkAuth.dll': The system cannot find the file specified...
PS D:\work\qt_2022_work\cmake_work\qt6.3.2\prj03\build> C:\dev\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\tools\Qt6\bin\windeployqt.exe .\Debug\testprj.exe Unable to find dependent libraries of C:\dev\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\bin\Qt6Sqld.dll :Cannot open 'C:/dev/vcpkg/installed/x64-window...
当然,我可以从目录中复制所有必要的文件,但我认为这是浪费时间,所以我想使用Qt的windeployqt工具。但每当我调用它时,例如在Qt Creator中作为构建步骤,它只会输出以下消息(我的测试应用程序名为day_404 :D): Unable to find dependent libraries of /home/marius/Entwicklung/build-day_404-Windows_32bit-Release/...
Unable to find dependent libraries of C:\my_project\build\dev-vs\vcpkg_installed\x64-windows\bin\Qt6Cored.dll :Cannot open 'C:/my_project/build/dev-vs/vcpkg_installed/x64-windows/bin/Qt6Cored.dll': The system cannot find the file specified. Cause/Investigation In Debug config, the C...
Unable to find dependent libraries of D:\Programs\anaconda\Library\bin\Qt5Widgetsd.dll :Cannot open 'D:/Programs/anaconda/Library/bin/Qt5Widgetsd.dll': The system cannot find the file specified. 1. 似乎是因为安装了anaconda,和anaconda里面的包冲突了。windeployqt.exe的工作原理是什么?
3rdPartycan't find dependent libraries 保证所依赖的动态库都能被找到; 1) copy the dll into executable file's folder 2) System.load() the dlls by dependecy orders JNI_CreateJavaVM failed C++创建JVM调用Java方法
Qt报错:error LNK2001: 无法解析的外部符号 "public: virtual struct QMetaObject const * __thiscall Widget::metaObjec 1、添加头文件include <QObject> 2、添加宏Q_OBJECT
ps. on download page You can find: “requires Qt 4.7 libraries: libqtgui4,libqt4-network and libqt4-declarative”. this is for future questions of the others I am trying to use it on Ubuntu 10.04, but couldn’t find the package named “libqt4-declarative”. any help? qtadb May ...
sitting on a Raspberry Pi with a touchscreen that's going to waste because you don't have the time to learn a GUI SDK? into Machine Learning and are sick of the command line? an IT guy/gal that has written some cool tools but due to corporate policies are unable to share unless an...
\Users\usr\CMakeBuilds\bd6fc262-4128-8c3e-9d7a-de6165a29aa7\build\x86-Debug\tst --no-compiler-runtime --no-angle Unable to find dependent libraries of C:\Users\usr\CMakeBuilds\bd6fc262-4128-8c3e-9d7a-de6165a29aa7\build\x86-Debug\vcpkg_installed\x86-windows\bin\Qt5Widgetsd....