然后啊,喷出来下面的崩溃信息 query error = "Lost connection to MySQL server during query QMYSQL: Unable to execute query" select error "MySQL server has gone away QMYSQL: Unable to execute query" 没办法呀!在现场遇到这种棘手的,让人不明所以的问题,还真是让人崩溃 后来自己写了类似的demo发现确实...
Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY' QMYSQL: Unable to execute query " " 可以看到 query1 执行时发生了主键冲突所以插入时报错,因为数据库里已经有一条记录其 id 为 1,而 query2 执行成功,但是在数据库里却没有看到 query2 插入的用户Bing,这是因为我们使用了事务,只有 query1 和 query2 同时都插入...
thread2 error: QSqlError("2013", "QMYSQL: Unable to execute query", "Lost connection to MySQL server during query") thread2 error: QSqlError("2006", "QMYSQL: Unable to execute query", "MySQL server has gone away") thread1 error: QSqlError("2006", "QMYSQL: Unable to execute query"...
} }else{ qDebug()<<"Failed to execute SELECT query:"; qDebug()<<query.lastError().text(); }/*断开数据库*/db.close();return0; } 2)遇到问题:"SSL connection error: unknown error number QMYSQL: Unable to connect" 编译库不支持SSL,需要关闭数据库的 SSL功能 解决方法:在数据库的 my.ini...
MYSQL用插入语句可以正常插入显示中文,但用QT QSqlQuery query(db); QString sSql = "insert into data (id,cp) values (0, '中文' )"; qDebug()<<"s"<
QSqlRecord rec = query.record();qDebug()<<tr("TableName的字段个数:")<<rec.count();QSqlField filed = rec.field(0);qDebug()<<tr("字段名称:")<<rec.field(0).name()<<tr("字段类型:")<<rec.field(0).type()<<tr("字段值:")<<rec.field(0).value(); qDebug()<<tr(...
在探索Qt框架的神秘踪迹之前,让我们先来简要了解一下 Qt 以及为何深入其底层运行机制对于开发者至关重要。正如哲学家亚里士多德曾言:“知识的根源在于对事物的好奇。” 对于任何一名软件开发者而言,对所使用技术的好奇心及深入理解,是驱动其创新和提升技能的关键。
Removing the option(host_build) builds it with mingw and makes a runnable exe, but this expects qmake to also be available as mingw exe: Unable to query qmake: CreateProcessW failed: File not found. As for my original problem, I found https://forum.qt.io/topic/88525/windeployqt-exe-do...
We read every piece of feedback, and take your input very seriously. Include my email address so I can be contacted Cancel Submit feedback Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Cancel Create saved search Sign in Sign up Reseting focus {...
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts. 2019-12-23 19:38 −在本地的电脑上测试用的MySql用的一般默认的端口3306,在远程服务器上安装时修改成了3307端口,本地连接和远程连接都可以访问,在C#使用连接字符连接数据库时报错了 System.AggregateException: ...