QT实现机器视觉最常用的图像查看器(源码) 在机器视觉行业中最常见的控件就是图像查看器了,使用QT实现其实也非常简单,在我出的项目【降龙:算法软件框架】和【重明:工业相机二次开发】中都有用到。可以说只要你要开发一个和机器视觉相关的软件,就离不开图像查看器。 如上图是重明项目的软件界面,中间的就是图像查看...
{ throw std::bad_alloc(); // Pool exhausted } char* ptr = buffer + position * blockSize; position++; return ptr; } void deallocate(void* ptr) { // In a simple pool, we don't actually deallocate, just mark it as free // For a more complex implementation, you might want to ...
It throws std::bad_alloc instead if exceptions are enabled. Q_CHECK_PTR does nothing if QT_NO_DEBUG and QT_NO_EXCEPTIONS were defined during compilation. Therefore you must not use Q_CHECK_PTR to check for successful memory allocations because the check will be disabled in some cases....
void *__CRTDECL operator new(size_t size) _THROW1(_STD bad_alloc) { // try to allocate size bytes void *p; >>> while ((p = malloc(size)) == 0) if (_callnewh(size) == 0) { // report no memory static const std::bad_alloc nomem; _RAISE(nomem); }return (p); }why ...
I am talking about the new operator call, that, in case of an error, generates the std::bad_alloc exception. Here is one example of such redundant check:static QImageScaleInfo* QImageScale::qimageCalcScaleInfo(...) { ... QImageScaleInfo *isi; ... isi = new QImageScaleInfo; if (!
{//做了一部分处理throw; } 被重新抛出的异常对象为保存在TIB中的那个异常对象,与catch的参数对象没有关系,若catch参数对象是引用类型,可能在catch语句内已经对异常对象进行了修改,那么重新抛出的是修改后的异常对象;若catch参数对象是非引用类型,则重新抛出的异常对象并没有受到修改。
{ return "autotest swallow"; } } autotestException; // throw autotestException; #else QT_RETHROW; #endif } if (d->declarativeData) d->declarativeData->destroyed(this); { QMutex *signalSlotMutex = 0; QT_TRY { signalSlotMutex = signalSlotLock(this); } QT_CATCH(const std::bad_alloc ...
( stderr, "%s\n", buf ); fflush( stderr ); # ifdef __ANDROID__ __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "cv::error()", "%s", buf); # endif } if(breakOnError) { static volatile int* p = 0; *p = 0; } throw exc; } CvErrorCallback redirectError( CvErrorCallback errCall...
通过 WinMerge对比,发现 我是把 其中的一句“#define _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING 1”改成了“#define _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING0”(仅这一处不同),把它换回去 就OK了。 2、我做的文件修改,内容保存如下(以免重装系统 忘记备份) --> 做修改的是 第157行 的地方...