1、TextInput的文本颜色使用color属性指定,TextField的文本颜色使用textColor属性指定, 9.2 文本块(TextEdit与TextArea) 两个块编辑控件,即TextEdit和TextArea 9.2.1 TextEdit 1、TextEdit是Qt Quick提供的多行文本编辑框,它的大多数属性与TextInput类似 2、textDocument属性,可以结合QSyntaxHighlighter来实现语法高亮 3、...
setWindowModified(textEdit->document()->isModified()); actionSave->setEnabled(textEdit->document()->isModified()); actionUndo->setEnabled(textEdit->document()->isUndoAvailable()); actionRedo->setEnabled(textEdit->document()->isRedoAvailable()); connect(actionUndo, SIGNAL(triggered()), text...
qreal maximumWidth; int maximumWidthBlockNumber; int blockCount; QPlainTextEditPrivate *mainViewPrivate; bool blockUpdate; bool blockDocumentSizeChanged; int cursorWidth; int textLayoutFlags; void layoutBlock(const QTextBlock &block); qreal blockWidth(const QTextBlock &block); void relayout(); }...
This enum type defines three values to represent the three axes in the cartesian coordinate system. ConstantValueDescription Qt::XAxis 0 The X axis. Qt::YAxis 1 The Y axis. Qt::ZAxis 2 The Z axis. See also QTransform::rotate() and QTransform::rotateRadians(). enum Qt::BGMode Backgrou...
ui->textEdit->insertPlainText(tem); 45 qt写安卓代码,并通过jni调用//如果想要调用系统传感器就必须写activity,并且activity在qt启动时会自动创建,在qt自己写的代码中不能重复创建activity(坑) 静态方法无法调getSystemService方法,因为它是非静态方法.
Qt::AutoText 2 The text string is interpreted as for Qt::RichText if Qt::mightBeRichText() returns true, otherwise as Qt::PlainText. Qt::LogText 3 A special, limited text format which is only used by Q3TextEdit in an optimized mode. enum Qt::TextInteractionFlagflags Qt::TextInteract...
item.setCacheMode(QGraphicsPathItem.DeviceCoordinateCache) self.addToGroup(item) path = QPainterPath() path.moveTo(start, y) path.lineTo(end, y) path.moveTo(end, -y) path.lineTo(start, -y) item.setPath(path) pen = QPen(Qt.black, _trackWidth /2) ...
URLTextEdit.setText('fake url') dialog.importURL() self.assertTrue(qmessagebox.informationCalled) 浏览完整代码 来源:testImportURLDialog.py 项目:geckoblu/kang 示例8 def test_dialog(self): parent = FakeParent() msg = 'Error message' dialog = reportBugDialog.ReportBugDialog(parent, msg) ...
Simple line edit or an advanced widget to enable the user to input a search term in a standardized input mask QHelpSearchResultWidget Either a tree widget or a text browser depending on the used search engine to display the hits found by the search QHideEvent Event which is sent after a...
The Q3ScrollView is a large canvas - potentially larger than the coordinate system normally supported by the underlying window system. This is important because it is quite easy to go beyond these limitations (e.g. many web pages are more than 32000 pixels high). Additionally, the Q3ScrollView...