the application closed and it did not crashed rather it stoped with this error /home/tender/Documents/Smartlottoqt5/Smartlottoqt5: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64 /qt5/plugins/platforms/libqxcb.so: undefined symbol: xkb_state_key_get_utf8 initially i thought that a...
loaded library "/home/sinovel/S/platforms/libqxcb.so" ./S: symbol lookup error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5XcbQpa.so.5: undefined symbol: _ZN22QWindowSystemInterface24setPlatformFiltersEventsEb, version Qt_5_PRIVATE_API 1 2 该问题为platform文件夹中QT平台动态库寻找到的依赖版本不对或缺失...
I just updated from 1.186 to 1.200 (qt5, debian 64 testing, python 3.11) and when I close a file manager dialog box by any action (cancel, open, save), Cudatext crash and the console output this error: cudatext: symbol lookup error: cudatext: undefined symbol: QTimer_singleShot3 ...
Built, installed, got an error on attempt to run (Ubuntu) build$ glabels-qt glabels-qt: symbol lookup error: glabels-qt: undefined symbol: _ZdlPvm, version Qt_5 Copy link Contributor sur5rcommentedApr 21, 2022 Which version of Ubuntu did this happen on? Is you system up to date w.r....
问题描述:qtcreator 4.5.4, 打开ui文件闪退,报错:designer-qt5: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/plugins/designer/libqcscintillaplugin.so: undefined
./login: symbol lookup error: ./login: undefined symbol: _ZN9QLineEdit18setPlaceholderTextERK7QString 应该是qt版本太高,被移植的电脑qt版本低 工程下边还有个目录,调试下那个就ok了 5, QWidget: Must construct a QApplication before a QPaintDevice ...
/home/psbc/CLionProjects/qttest/cmake-build-debug/qttest: symbol lookup error: /opt/apps/Qt5....
I want to deploy my qt application on Linux but I get linking error like this: symbol lookup error libQt5Core.so.5 undefined symbol: uncv_getDefaultName_56 It might have something in common with libicu but it's in the /lib64 directory in proper version. My goal is ...
./qtcreator: symbol lookup error: /opt/Qt5.5.1.1/Tools/QtCreator/bin/plugins/platformthemes/libqgtk2.so: undefined symbol: gtk_dialog_get_widget_for_response 问题原因:QT自带的GTK库版本不兼容。 解决办法:将QT安装目录下的libqgtk2.so删除掉即可解决问题。