For example,QToolTip { border: 2px solid darkkhaki; padding: 5px; border-radius: 3px; opacity: 200; }Customizing QTreeViewThe background color of alternating rows can be customized using the following style sheet:QTreeView { alternate-background-color: yellow; }...
The background color of alternating rows can be customized using the following style sheet: QTreeView { alternate-background-color: yellow; } To provide a special background when you hover over items, we can use the ::item subcontrol. For example, QTreeView { show-decoration-selected: 1; ...
Style Sheet Usage Customizing the Foreground and Background Colors Customizing Using Dynamic Properties Customizing a QPushButton Using the Box Model Customizing the QPushButton's Menu Indicator Sub-Control Complex Selector Example Customizing specific widgets Customizing QAbstractScrollArea Customizing QCheckBox...
By default, the menu indicator is located at the bottom-right corner of the padding rectangle. We can change this by specifying subcontrol-position and subcontrol-origin to anchor the indicator differently. We can also use top and left to move the indicator by a few pixels. For example: QPu...
Customizing Using Dynamic Properties Customizing a QPushButton Using the Box Model Customizing the QPushButton's Menu Indicator Sub-Control Complex Selector Example Customizing specific widgets ...
Style Sheet Usage Customizing the Foreground and Background Colors Customizing Using Dynamic Properties Customizing a QPushButton Using the Box Model Customizing the QPushButton's Menu Indicator Sub-Control Complex Selector Example Customizing specific widgets Customizing QAbstractScrollArea Customizing ...
QT自带的帮助文件中有丰富的样式表示例可供我们查询,直接在帮助文件的“高级搜索”中搜索style sheet,如下图所示,可查到3个最有用的部分:1、参考手册referance,2、示例example,3、语法,如下图所示 参考手册referance一张截图如下: 所有ui控件(按钮、Label、复选框、容器等等)的样式表介绍都在这张表里,点击下图...
border-style:inset; } Customizing the QPushButton's Menu Indicator Sub-Control Subcontrols give access to the sub-elements of a widget. For example, aQPushButtonassociated with a menu (usingQPushButton::setMenu()) has a menu indicator. Let's customize the menu indicator for the red push...
boxes to make them stand out. Using this technique, you can also achieve minor customizations that would normally require subclassing several style classes, such as specifying astyle hint. TheStyle Sheetexample depicted below defines two distinctive style sheets that you can try out and modify at ...
在QCreactor帮助文档中搜索以下关键字 : Qt Style Sheets Examples 有所有控件的样式例子 Qt Style Sheets Reference 控件的所有属性 The Style Sheet Syntax 使用setStyleSheet的语法 Qt Style Sheets Examples:显示所有控件的样式例子 Qt Style Sheets Reference:... 查看原文 Qt qss控件样式专栏 为了方便以后查找Qt...