$QtStaticDir="C:\Qt\Static",# NO TRAILING SLASH$QtVersion="5.15.2",#If you change this, you'll need to change the URL above to download as well...$MingwDir="",[switch]$NoPause=$false)
Qt5-12-5-static-build-2020-07-12-00-05-11 比全模块配置生成的exe减少了 30%的大小,不过 30%也就 3M,在 windows 平台的话倒是没必要追求这种极致了=-= 使用编译后的静态库 新建一个 Qt Version,并添加编译后的 qmake.exe 的路径。 Qt5-12-5-static-build-2020-07-12-00-12-39 此时如果是移动...
修改-MD为-MT D的意思是动态编译(dynamic),T的意思是静态编译(static)。 2.使用 VS2013 X64 本机命令行工具执行: 首先,进入到源码SRC 目录 执行命令 configure.bat -static -release -platform win32-msvc -release -static -prefix "D:\Qt\Qt5.9.5-msvc2013-x64-static-release-full" -opensource -conf...
LINK:fatal error LNK1181: 无法打开输入文件“D:\Temp\6.3.1\qt-everywhere-src-6.3.1\qtbase\plugins\styles\qwindowsvistastyle.lib”jom: E:\Codes\Qt\build-Test02-Qt_6_3_1_static_220714-Release\Makefile.Release[release\Test02.exe]Error 1181jom: E:\Codes\Qt\build-Test02-Qt_6_3_1_static...
-static Build static Qt libraries [no] (yes for UIKit) -nomake tests Disable building of tests to speed up compilation -nomake examples Disable building of examples to speed up compilation -confirm-license Automatically acknowledge the LGPL 2.1 license. ...
>cmake --build . --parallel 编译好后执行安装 >cmake --install . 安装后MSVC_2022下就多出来了一个文件夹x64_Static_Release_MT 至此静态库的编译也完成了 用MSVC2022编译的库,不要给MinGW用,也不要给GCC之类的用,而且也不要去换MSVC的版本,如果要换编译器或换版本,就全部都换掉,然后重新编译。
参数-static 指的是要**采用静态编译Qt**的方法 参数-release指的是只编译release版本的库 参数-qt-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-libmng -qt-libjpeg 是更好确定Qt编译出的程序能在目前不知的系统下运行【可要可不要】 参数-nomake demos -nomake examples 指的是不编译demos和examples ...
I want to use a static build of Qt 5.4. Since there is no precompiled static build available, you have to build one from the Qt source code yourself.My environment is the following:Windows 7 x64 Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate Update 4 Qt5 Visual Studio Add-in 1.2.4 ActivePerl...
I was able to create a static build before without OpenSSL support. The error messages also suggest, that the problem is associated to OpenSSL. Does anyone has an idea to resolve this? UPDATE These configurations are producing the same error: Configuration 1: configure -opensource -release -c++...
如果我们要静态编译,只需要在 configure 后添加 -static 就行了。当然根据个人喜好,你可能会添加更多的参数,比如 -no-qt3support 禁用 qt3 支持模块等,不过这与静态编译没有直接关系了。 这样一来,我们将得到QtCore.lib QtCored.lib 等静态库而不是 ...