3.6. Check out the QGIS Source Code 这里直接用上边下载好的源码 在这里插入图片描述 3.7. Starting the compile mkdir -p ${HOME}/dev/cpp/apps //创建安装目录 cd /home/t/dev/cpp/qgis-3.28.8 mkdir build cd build ccmake .. 在这里插入图片描述 在这里插入图片描述 这里可以配置编译选项 在...
-coverage {trace-pc-guard|source-based} Specify the 'trace-pc-guard' coverage instrumentation for sanitizers or generate instrumented code to collect execution counts and enable code coverage analysis, respectively. (Clang only) -c++std<edition>... Select C++ standard<edition>[c++2a/c++17/c++14/...
拖放事件(Drag and Drop Events)是指在图形用户界面(Graphical User Interface,简称GUI)中,用户通过鼠标或触摸屏拖动一个对象,并将其放置到另一个位置或对象上的过程。在Qt C++中,拖放事件涉及到一系列类和方法,用于处理此类交互。 拖放事件的核心组成部分包括以下几个概念: (1)拖动源(Drag Source):拖动源是用户...
KeePassX, a multi-platform port of KeePass, an open source password manager for Microsoft Windows Launchy:一个开放源代码的快捷启动器 LMMS:一个开放源代码的音乐编辑软件 LyX:使用Qt作为界面的LaTeX软件。 Mathematica:Linux和Windows版本使用Qt作为GUI ...
ResInsight uses the Equinor/libecl (formerly Ensambles/ert) library to access Eclipse result files, and the two projects collaborates closely. The source code of the approved libecl version is embedded in the ResInsight source code tree, making downloading and building simple. ResInsight also fe...
Code README License What is Gitl HEVC Analyzer Gitl HEVC/H.265 Analyzer is an open-source tool for bitstream analysis for HEVC/H.265 . It is released undermodifiedApache License 2.0. If you want to use it forcommercial purpose, please write us an email about your work. If you are not...
3.1、选择源码目录(Where is the source code):D:/QGIS/qgis-3.16.6 3.2、选择构建目录(Where to build the binaries):D:/QGIS/build1020 3.3、勾选Grouped、Advanced选项。 3.4、填写QCA、QSCINTILLA、QTKEYCHAIN、QWT的参数。我是把Qt5.12.10版本的这4个第三方库放在D:/QGIS/thirdPartWithinQt5.12.10目录里...
Key features Discover the capabilities of the API. Get started Get started using the API. On this page Where to start Tutorials Sample code Open source toolkit From our videos Next steps Looking for 100.x? Was this page helpful? YesNo...
{CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} PROPERTY VS_STARTUP_PROJECT ${PROJECT_NAME} ) endif() set( PROJECT_SOURCES main.cpp mainwindow.cpp mainwindow.h mainwindow.ui CfdThread.h CfdThread.cpp Terminal.h Terminal.cpp terminal.ui ) set( PRJ_SOURCES ) foreach(source ${PROJECT_SOURCES}) list( APPEND ...