如果输出路径不是源目录,则设置copydata为1,表示需要拷贝数据。 考虑到IDE_BUILD_TREE与IDE_OUTPUT_PATH可能不一样,设置IDE库和插件的链接路径。 设置INSTALLS用的相关子文件夹路径。 设置字符串宏 接下来是 RELATIVE_PLUGIN_PATH =$$relative_path($$IDE_PLUGIN_PATH,$$IDE_BIN_PATH) RELATIVE_LIBEXEC_PATH ...
QString relativeFilePath(const QString &fileName) const; //获取指定文件的相对路径注意:以上函数都不会检测文件和路径是否真实存在。调用前需要使用exists函数确保路径正确。示例:QDir dir("./data.c"); qDebug()<<dir.dirName(); //输出 "data.c" qDebug()<<dir.filePath("work.c");//输出 "./d...
absolute_path(path[,base]) Returns the absolute path of path. If base is not specified, uses the current directory as the base directory. If it is a relative path, it is resolved relative to the current directory before use. the following call returns the string “/home/johndoe/myproject...
Working directory: %{Qt:QT_INSTALL_BINS} 由于Qt Quick工程涉及到QML文件,所以这里需要带上选项--qmldir,这个选项后边紧跟着参数值是代码工程中存放自定义的QML文档的根目录。 %{ActiveProject:NativePath}代表着当前工程的主目录的本地化路径。 %{ActiveProject:RunConfig:Executable:NativeFilePath}代表着当前工程...
file(GLOB_RECURSE <variable>[FOLLOW_SYMLINKS][LIST_DIRECTORIES true|false][RELATIVE <path>][<globbing-expressions>...]) 格式里的variable实际使用SOURCE_FILES代替。 qt_add_resources的作用是调用RCC对资源文件(.qrc)编译成qrc_开头的源文件再输出,并且把输出的源码文件路径追加到动态数组SOURCE_FILES中。
Yes it exists, the file that includes it exists, and the relative path from the including file to the included file exists. * does the same error happen if you use conan-center recipe without modification ? Yes, using vanilla recipe from conancenter main branch. * Does your recipe have ...
rel_data_path = ['PyQt5', 'Qt'] pyinstaller/PyInstaller/hooks/hook-PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets.py Line 46 in 27e5bc7 os.path.join('PyQt5', 'Qt', 'translations', locales)), I guess there'd need to be some kind of utility method which checks which of the two is available, an...
SetValueForKeyPath(IntPtr, NSString) A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime. (Inherited from NSObject) SetValueForKeyPath(NSObject, NSString) Sets the value of a property that can be reached using a keypath. (Inherited from NS...
XSPEC = $$relative_path($$devices, $$[QT_HOST_DATA/src]/mkspecs) } xspec = $$eval(config.input.xplatform) !isEmpty(xspec) { !exists($$[QT_HOST_DATA/src]/mkspecs/$$xspec/qmake.conf): \ qtConfFatalError("Invalid target platform '$$xspec'.") XSPEC = $$xspec } isEm...