2.1 Optional External Flash (Adafruit QT Py Only) 3 Pins 3.1 Adafruit SAMD Pinout 3.2 Seeed Studio SAMD Pinout 3.3 3V 3.4 5V 3.5 A0 / D0 - Digital/analog GPIO pin 0 3.6 A1 / D1 - Digital/analog GPIO pin 1 3.7 A2 / D2 - Digital/analog GPIO pin 2 3.8 A3 / D3 - Digital...
QT Py RP2040 Specifications Pinout and shape is Seeed Xiao compatible, with castellated pads so you can solder it to a PCB with a cut out to allow the bottom components some breathing room. In addition to the QT connector, we also added an RGB NeoPixel (with a controllable power pin to...
a QT Py? This diminutive dev board comes with our favorite lil chip, the SAMD21 (as made famous in our GEMMA M0 and Trinket M0 boards). This time it comes with our favorite connector - the STEMMA QT, a chainable I2C port that can be used with any of our STEMMA QT sensors and ...
Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits Adafruit Metro Mini 328 V2 - Arduino-Compatible - 5V 16MHz [STEMMA QT / Qwiic] : ID 2590 - One of our star development boards is the Adafruit METRO Mini 328, an excellent lil fellow that