PyQt5+python做UI时,使用pyinstaller打包成exe,点击运行exe文件时,出现This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows错误。 问题是,缺少必要的dll文件,我们找到路径:C:\ANACONDA\Lib\site-packages\PyQt5\Qt\plugins(这是我的安装路径),在此文件夹下找到p...
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin “windows“ in ““解决方案 具体的做法是: 在系统设置,环境变量里面设置。设置。是啊。是。哦。设置系统高级系统信息,高级系统设置 鼠标右键点任务栏田字格,设置、系统、系统信息、高级系统设置、环境变量,新建一个系统变量: 名称为:QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUG...
Qt Network Authorization:Qt 网络授权是一个附加库,它使 Qt 应用程序能够使用不同的 Web 身份验证系统。 Qt WebGL Streaming Plugin:一个 Qt Platform Abstraction 插件,它通过网络将 Qt Quick & Qt OpenGL 应用程序流式传输到支持 WebGL 的浏览器。 Qt Script (Deprecated) :脚本模块,已弃用 Tools 节点下的...
[] could not load the qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found Same problem for me. Using OpenFOAM in Ubuntu on windows using WSL2. I had a working version for some time. Then I had problems with the Tutorials"first glimpse" series...
What I did is to download PySimpleGuiQt from the repository and follow the documentation to check it . Python could not start because of this error : qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" even though it was found. ...
Hello, I've been using Anaconda on Windows 10 for the past few months. However, today I tried launching the program and got the following error: "This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "...
不怕, 说找不到Qt platform plugin, 但打包好的目录下是有个plugins的, 说明是找不到而非没有. 在宿主机上能用就说明宿主机是有相关环境变量的, 那么到底是哪个环境变量呢, 在宿主机上 grep 所有环境变量找一下: export | grep "plugins" 1. 只出了一条搜索结果, 那感情就是它了 declare -x QT_PLUG...
platform win32-g++ -nomake examples -nomake tests -nomake tools -no-compile-examples -release -opensource -confirm-license -static -c++std c++17 -sse2 -static-runtime -make libs -no-ltcg -no-dbus -no-accessibility -no-inotify -no-iconv -no-icu -no-openssl -no-system-proxies -no-...
configure.bat-static//指明是静态编译-prefix"D:\qt"//指明安装的目录-confirm-license -opensource//指明是开源版本的qt-debug-and-release//指明需要debug版和release版,可以单独选择release版-platform win32-msvc//指明使用msvc编译-nomake examples -nomake tests//不编译样例-plugin-sql-sqlite -plugin-sql-...
启动失败 - no Qt platform plugin 这种情况,是QT路径下的 plugins/platforms/qwindows.dll文件没有复制过来。 注意这个dll文件直接复制到exe同级是不起作用的,要放在exe程序同级的platforms文件夹里,或者同级 的plugins/platforms文件夹里 OpenGL Context 创建失败 ...