The default ./configure will build the VNC plugin. Use --no-vnc to disable building the VNC plugin. Your Qt application must be built with this Qt library. Usage You can control the platform using environment variables or CLI options. In the shell, export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=vnc export QT_DE...
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. Available platform plugins are: xcb, eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, wayland-egl, wayland, wayland-xcomposite-egl, wayland-xcomposite-glx, ...
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. Available platform plugins are: eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, wayland-egl, wayland, wayland-xcomposite-egl, wayland-xcomposite-glx, xcb. ...
Description: I encountered an error while trying to start the application. It seems to be related to the initialization of the Qt platform plugin "xcb." The application fails to start and generates the following error messages: QObject::...
plugin meta data QList("vnc") QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "/home/curiouspan/qt6-build/qtbase/plugins/platforms/" Found metadata in lib /home/curiouspan/qt6-build/qtbase/plugins/platforms/, metadata= { "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QPA.QPlatform...
`-- 1.1 选择platform插件 可通过设置环境变量QT_QPA_PLATFORM或者选项-platform指定使用哪个显示插件。 QGuiApplicationPrivate::createPlatformIntegration ->如果定义QT_QPA_DEFAULT_PLATFORM_NAME,则使用作为默认platform名称。 ->qgetenv--获取QT_QPA_PLATFORM环境变量值。
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in "" even though it was ...
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found. This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. Available platform plugins are: offscreen, linuxfb, vnc, minimal...
Available platform plugins are: eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, wayland-egl, wayland, wayland-xcomposite-egl, wayland-xcomposite-glx, xcb. 搜索了一下午没找出来解决方法,最后向人请教。 解决方法 先在终端输入 export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb 再次运行 qtcreator 即可执行。就是更改...
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "". Available platform plugins are: eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, xcb. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. ...