export QTDIR_QT5=/mnt/mmc_sd/qt-5.7.1-libs //指向你刚复制进去的文件目录。export QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH=$QTDIR_QT5/pluginsexport QT_QPA_PLATFORM=linuxfb:tty=/dev/fb0export QT_QPA_FONTDIR=/lib/fontsexport QT_QPA_GENERIC_PLUGINS=tslibexport QT_QPA_FB_TSLIB=1export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...
"program":"${command:cmake.launchTargetPath}", "args": [], "stopAtEntry":false, "cwd":"${workspaceRoot}", "environment": [ { "name":"PATH", "value":"D:/Software/QT/5.15.2/mingw81_64/bin" } ], "externalConsole":false, ...
以安装Gradle示例说明windows环境下设置环境变量path的方法: C:\Users\BYRON.Y.Y>path PATH=C:\...
如果你的Qt Creator报出’Project ERROR: You need to set the ANDROID_NDK_ROOT environment variable’的错误,那么很可能是因为这个环境变量没有被正确设置。 以下是解决这个问题的步骤: 1. 找到Android NDK的安装路径 首先,你需要找到Android NDK的安装路径。这通常是一个类似于C:\path\to\android\ndk的文件夹...
Search Qt in thePATHenvironment variable like it is done in the terminal. This mode helpful when you have a system wide Qt installation like on Linux based operating systems. You don't need to configure anything to be able to use the commands of this extension. ...
确保在调用find_package之前,你的系统已经正确安装了Qt5,并且CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH环境变量已经设置为Qt5的安装路径。这样CMake才能正确找到Qt5。 如果你的项目中使用了Qt特有的代码(如MOC、UI文件等),还需要在CMakeLists.txt中相应配置,例如启用AUTOMOC或使用qt5_wrap_ui处理UI文件。
After you install the Qt software, make sure that Qt tools are available from the command line. Typingqmake -vin a terminal should print Qt version information rather than an error message. Ifqmakeis not found, add/your-Qt-installation-dir/binto yourPATHenvironment variable. The path t...
STEAMLINK_SDK_PATH environment variable set to the Steam Link SDK path Install the latest Qt SDK (and optionally, the Qt Creator IDE) fromhttps://www.qt.io/download You can install Qt via Homebrew on macOS, but you will need to usebrew install qt --with-debugto be able to create deb...
Consider adding qtrepotools/bin to your PATH environment variable to access them. Building Qt from git See http://wiki.qt.io/Building_Qt_6_from_Git and README.git for more information. See http://wiki.qt.io/Qt_6 for the reference platforms. Documentation After configuring and compiling ...