If the command line does not find the programjavaby default or if you intend to use specific Java installation add this variable: > set JAVA_HOME_TARGET=path to your java jdk Start the build process by following command: > ant all
I have some Android development skills. But I have used it for a long time. I want to consolidate it. I found scrcpy and decided to re-make it with the new technology stack (C++ + Qt + Opengl + FFmpeg). Build All the dependencies are provided and it is easy to compile. ...
INSTALL_SOURCE_QMLTYPES option is deprecated and should not be used. Please port your module to use declarative type registration. Call Stack (most recent call first): qt3d/src/quick3d/imports/logic/CMakeLists.txt:7 (qt_internal_add_qml_module) This warning is for project developers....
Cannot read /home/tlx/qt/sw/Qt5.9.9src/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.9.9/qtbase/mkspecs/linux-g++/qmake.conf: No such file or directory Could not read qmake configuration file /home/tlx/qt/sw/Qt5.9.9src/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.9.9/qtbase/mkspecs/linux-g++/qmake.conf. Error pro...
Accelerators are key combinations used to directly access a function bound to a menu item without popping up the menu first. They should not be confused with underlined letters in menu entries, which can be used to jump to the entries when the menu is already open. Set an accelerator for ...
It is likely that the asker was not actually directly using QTextCursor, but rather using GUI code from a thread that was not the GUI thread. Attempting this seems to result in this error arising from Qt-internal code, e.g. for QTextEdit.append() ...
tools. The Qt Group is not responsible for the privacy or data security practices of our customers, which may differ from those explained in this Privacy Policy. Please contact that customer directly if you have any questions about how it processes your Personal Data (if any) for its own ...
Is this true? So this means that I do not need to notarize or staple my app if I am uploading it to the App store directly? I attempted to follow this assumption and skipped notorization altogether, opting to simply run the following productbuild command and then use Transporter: ...
The library was developed on and for Windows. It is used in a commercial Windows application and is therefore constantly tested. macOS macOS The application can be compiled for macOS. A user reported, that the library works on macOS. If have not tested it. ...
# error stack-protector not used (by default) before QNX 7.0.0.# endif #endif int main(void) { /* BEGIN TEST: */ /* END TEST: */ return 0; } ") # intelcet qt_config_compile_test(intelcet LABEL "Support for Intel Control-flow Enforcement Technology (CET)" CODE ...