1、配置及使用 1.1、debain下安装了Qt5.7 运行异常初次安装Qt5.7 提示无 Qt creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options,此时需要先安装g++:apt install g++ 运行时候出现cannot find -IGL问题,解决方法如下:apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev 默认情况下可能无法获取g++...
Delete this fileC:\Users\AppData\Roaming\QtProject\qtcreator\toolchains.xmlto solve the problem. 原文:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14700965/qt-creator-needs-a-compiler-set-up-to-build-configure-a-compiler-in-the-kit-opt 如果您觉得阅读本文对您有帮助,请点一下“推荐”按钮,您的“推荐”将...
后来发现64位Window是可以兼容32位系统的,所以建议你去下载这个:Qt 5.2.1 for Windows 32-bit (MinGW 4.8, OpenGL, 634 MB) (Info)因为我的电脑上有MinGW没有VS2012
Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
在QtCreator中手动将GCC设置为编译器的步骤如下: 1. 打开QtCreator,点击菜单栏中的"工具",然后选择"选项"。 2. 在弹出的对话框中,选择"构建和运行"选项。 3. 在"构建...
Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options - Stack OverflowQt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Conf
-testcocoon ---. Instrument with the TestCocoon code coverage tool [no] -gcov ---. Instrument with the GCov code coverage tool [no] -sanitize {address|thread|memory|undefined} Instrument with the specified compiler sanitizer. -c++std ---. Select C++ ...
向.pro添加CONFIG += c++11实际上并不会在Makefile中添加CXX标志-std=c++11,因此会出现以下错误 error: #error This file requires compiler我在Linux x64 (一个Ubuntu发行版)上工作,使用的是Qt库的最新版本(5.9.1)。在使用MSVC2015< 浏览16提问于2017-07-26得票数 1...
Click Apply to save the new C++ compiler.Set up DEY debugger Follow these steps to configure the Digi Embedded Yocto debugger: Click Tools > Options. Select Build & Run from the list at the left. In the right pane, select the Debuggers tab. Click Add in the right pane to add a new...
As we just mentioned above, if you are going to set the size constrains, please do it afterwindowAgent.setup()is called. Learn More Seeexamplesfor more demo use cases. The examples have no High DPI support. QWindowKit Internals [TODO] ...