嵌入式QT环境搭建:No tools chain can produce code for this qt version please define one or more tool chains 在编译好qt源代码后,手动将其添加至qtcreator里,qt前面出现感叹号,并出现如下的错误:No tools chain can produce code for this qt version please define one or more tool chains。 解决的方案...
ROS2 CMakeList.txt参照如下 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) project(sdia_sdk) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug) if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX OR CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") add_compile_options(-Wall -Wextra) endif() if(NOT CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) endif...
"); // Create a dock widget with the title Label 1 and set the created label // as the dock widget content ads::CDockWidget* DockWidget = DockManager->createDockWidget("Label 1"); DockWidget->setWidget(l); // Add the toggleViewAction of the dock widget to the menu to give // ...
(echo$CROSS_COMPILER_LOCATION)/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf- -sysroot~/rpi-qt/sysroot/ -prefix /usr/local/qt5.15 -extprefix~/rpi-qt/qt5.15 -opensource -confirm-license -skip qtscript -skip qtwayland -skip qtwebengine -nomake tests -make libs -pkg-config -no-use-gold-linker -v -recheck -...
In the Cmake Tool field, select the auto-detected Cmake included in the sourced toolchain, usually located at <toolchain_installation_path>/sysroots/x86_64-deysdk-linux/usr/bin/cmake. Click Make Default to set the new Build & Run configuration as default. Click OK to save the new Kit co...
2.1 Cmake Tool配置 这里需要执行Cmake的可执行文件的路径,一定要包含文件名 2.2 QT Configure配置: 这里需要设置下图三个地方,Mingw PAth设置了环境变量的话应该是自动有的,如果没有,手动添加一下;Qt Dir是QT的安装目录;Qt Kit Dir是套件的路径,找到自己对应的套件的路径,复制到这里。 配置完成重启VsCode...
对于Compliation database,我们在CMake中我们可以使用cmake的-DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON命令参数,或者在CMakeLists.txt中添加set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON)来自动生成,或者使用Bear自动生成compile_commands.json 方案三:直接使用命令行编译和启动,这里要确认如果你按照了多个版本的Qt或者Cmake亦或C++...
+ exec /Users/cgk/qt/qt6/qtbase/configure -top-level -release -static -developer-build -mp -opensource -nomake examples -nomake tests --confirm-license -skip qtwebengine '/usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.21.2/bin/cmake' '-DBUILD_qtwebengine=OFF' '-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF' '-DQT_BUILD...
If there is no appropriate debugger, you will need to install one. Refer to your operating system documentation. Choose the Qt Version. Click OK or Apply to finish creating the kit. Repeat these steps to add an Android kit if you installed the Qt Framework for Android. Install CMake ...
这里CMake会将Qt Linguist工具中定义的方法加载进来,之后我们直接使用官方定义的函数或宏即可。 设置要生成的翻译文件 继续向CMakeLists.txt中添加内容 # 初始化要使用的列表 set(TS_FILES) set(QM_FILES) # 将要生成的翻译文件添加到列表中 list(APPEND TS_FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test_zh_CN.ts...