QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError 3 the remote host name was not found (invalid hostname) QNetworkReply::TimeoutError 4 the connection to the remote server timed out QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError 5 the operation was canceled via calls to abort() or close() before it was finished. QNetworkR...
If the operation timed out and timedOut is not 0, *timedOut will be set to true. if(tcpServer->waitForNewConnection(2000)) { qcout << "tcpServer is waiting for new connection"; } else { qcout << "tcpServer is not waiting for new connection"; // tcpServer is not waiting for ...
0 Streaming audio from Qt to PureData 3 Error configuring Network Audio System [NAS] in RHEL 6 x64 2 Audio Streaming C++ Server / Client 1 mount network drives with Qt 1 QT QTcpServer not connecting in time Hot Network Questions Make a square with the fewest number ...
ErrorType::CommonTimeout is set if the server timed out due to the size of the network. ErrorType::GeodatabaseDatabaseClosed is set if a validate operation is called on a closed geodatabase. ErrorType::CommonTimeout - Set if the server timed out due to the size of the network. Er...
Operation continues. Operator response See theCP Command and Utility Referencemanual for the explanation of the return code. (This is the numeric part of the HCPnnnmessage.) If necessary, inform your system programmer. System programmer response ...
75 ? any private dial out service 预留给个人拨出服务 76 deos Distributed External Object Store 分布式外部对象存储 77 ? any private RJE service 预留给个人远程作业输入服务 78 vettcp vettcp 修正TCP? 79 finger Finger FINGER(查询远程主机在线用户等信 ...
However, for new applications, it is recommended to use QNetworkAccessManager and QNetworkReply, as those classes possess a simpler, yet more powerful API. The class works asynchronously, so there are no blocking functions. If an operation cannot be executed immediately, the function will still ...
QNetworkReply::TimeoutError The waiting interval is exceeded. The closest comparison is the use of the ICMP protocol, checking the availability of the node on the network when we make it ping. That is, there is a node in the network, but it does not respond. QNetworkReply::OperationCance...
The function returns true if the readyRead() signal is emitted and there is new data available for reading; otherwise it returns false (if an error occurred or the operation timed out). Theqint64 QAbstractSocket::bytesAvailable() constis reimplemented from QIODevice::bytesAvailable(). ...
144 // QMessageBox::warning(qobject_cast<QDialog *> (this->parent()),"error","The socket operation timed out."); 145 // break; 146 // case QAbstractSocket::DatagramTooLargeError: 147 // QMessageBox::warning(qobject_cast<QDialog *> (this->parent()),"error","The datagram was lar...