1、使用Qt的design加载图像ico 使用圆形警示灯ico图像填充QLabel控件,在design界面中选中label控件,在pixmap的属性下选择不同的图片来填充。 1.JPG 这种填充方法有一个缺点,就是图像没有进行缩放,这样label控件的大小就会导致无法完全显示图像,这里一般按照图像的宽高来设定label尺寸属性。 2.JPG 这里水平和垂直策略都...
Style sheets can be set on theQApplication, on parent widgets, and on child widgets. An arbitrary widget's effective style sheet is obtained by merging the style sheets set on the widget's ancestors (parent, grandparent, etc.), as well as any style sheet set on theQApplication. When co...
QStatusBar QLabel { border: 3px solid white; }Customizing QTabWidget and QTabBarFor the screenshot above, we need a stylesheet as follows:QTabWidget::pane { /* The tab widget frame */ border-top: 2px solid #C2C7CB; } QTabWidget::tab-bar { left: 5px; /* move to the right by ...
QToolTip is customized exactly like a QLabel. In addition, for platforms that support it, the opacity property may be set to adjust the opacity. For example, QToolTip { border: 2px solid darkkhaki; padding: 5px; border-radius: 3px; opacity: 200; } Customizing QTreeView The background co...
Qt Style Sheet is generally case insensitive (i.e.,color,Color,COLOR, andcOloRrefer to the same attribute). The only exceptions are class names,object names, and Qt property names, which are case sensitive. Several selectors can be specified for the same declaration, using commas (,) to se...
Next, add a label to the horizontal layout that you just created and rename it to logo. We will learn more about how to insert an image into the label to use it as logo in the next section. For now, just empty out the text property and set both its Horizontal Policy and Vertical ...
Scenario Qt Style Sheets QStyle Calling setFont/setPalette No effect (rather unexpected), even if the style sheet has nothing to do with colors Works as usual Changing the system colors No effect — the styled widgets don’t adapt to the new colors, even if the stylesheet has nothing to ...
设置label显示密码形式 lineedit-password-character:1000; 其中代码设置 ui->password->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); 设置checkbox的勾选框颜色 QCheckBox::indicator{ width:24px; height:24px; border:1px solid #AC9472; } 设置checkbox勾选后展示的背景图片 ...
io.github.labelbuddy io.github.laigter io.github.laser-engraver io.github.leocad io.github.lin_guider io.github.linlogbook io.github.litetran io.github.lithomaker io.github.llk io.github.loganalyzer io.github.logotron io.github.lovi io.github.luckybackup io.github.lyricpad io.github.magic...