with heart rates in the 60–90 beats/min range, most formu- lae provide almost equivalent results for the diagnosis of QT prolongation. Even if the rate dependence of the QT interval is probably best described by an exponential relation, in the normal heart rate range the QT–RRrelation is...
摘要: QRS duration significantly affects QT measurement, even within the normal range of QRS. Baseline QRS of 100 ms permits less slack than QRS of 70 ms before showing the QT effect of QT-prolonging influences, strengthening the case for substituting JT for QT interval....
Corrected QT Interval: Reference to QT Interval as a Centile of Normal RangeNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1007/s002469900136AbdullaRa-idSpringer-VerlagPediatric Cardiology
On a normal ECG, you’ve got the P, Q, R, S, and T waves. The QT interval spans from the start of the Q to the end of the T wave. Long QT syndrome, or LQTS, is when somebody’s QT interval is longer than normal, which should typically be less than half of a cardiac cycle...
Daytime mean HR gave a mean value of 93 ± 10 (range 71148), while during night hours it was 74 ± 11 (range 5498). The minimum QT interval averaged 261 ± 10 ms for HR> 120 and the maximum 389 ± 9 ms for HR ¤ 60; the corresponding mean value of QTc (i.e., QT corrected...
normalQTinterval)-Brugada综合征(短于正常的QT间期)是英文Brugada syndrome (shorter-than的中文翻译。该病是一种基因病、遗传病。佳学基因通过基因解码找到了导致这一疾病发生的基因。可以通过基因检测阻止normalQTinterval)-Brugada综合征(短于正常的QT间期)在后代或者二胎中的出现。根据《人的基因序列变化与人体疾病...
On the 6th day, the QTc gradually returned to be within the normal range after discontinuation of moxifloxacin. The prolongation of QT interval in the patient was considered to be associated with moxifloxacin and amiodarone. 关键词 莫西沙星 / 胺碘酮 / 长QT综合征 Key words Moxifloxacin / ...
On day 0, the QTc intervals within the normal range were observed both in women and men. The first peak of the QTc interval was observed on day 2 with the mean QTc interval of 475 ± 70 ms in women, and 474 ± 60 ms in men. Once the QTc interval shortened after the first peak,...
Objective To investigate the mechanism underlying the changes ofQTinterval. 目的探讨QT间期发生变化的内在机理. 互联网 QTand QTc of electrocardiogram were also prolonged, but in normal range. 心电图QT、QTc有所延长, 但在正常范围内. 互联网
The QT interval, which marks the "vulnerable" period of ventricular repolarization, is related to heart rate and can be affected by a broad range of physiopathologic conditions. The interval is considered to be prolonged when, once normalized for heart rate (QTc), it exceeds 0.44 to 0.45 seco...