o2 OAuth 2.0 for Qt qoauth QJsonModel qtlua qzxing 二维码编解码 qtqrencode 二维码编解码 QRScanner CN1Lib for using ZBar scanning in Android apps. verdigris Qt without moc: set of macros to use Qt without needing moc qt-curve-editor a curve editor widget for Qt with multiple spline types...
connect(socket,&QTcpSocket::readyRead,this,&rice::netNewRcve); }voidrice::on_netPushButton_clicked(){intport=ui->portLineEdit->text().toInt();if(ui->netPushButton->text()==tr("Open")) {if(ui->typeComboBox->currentText()==tr("Server")) { connect(server,&QTcpServer::newConnect...
Checking for i.Mx6 EGL... no Checking for evdev... yes Checking for FreeType... no Checking for libinput... no Checking for LinuxFB... yes Checking for mtdev... no Checking for OpenVG... no Checking for default QPA platform... xcb Checking for HarfBuzz... no Checking for libjpeg...
获取类的属性 constQMetaObject *metaobject = object->metaObject();intcount = metaobject->propertyCount();for(inti =0; i < count; ++i) { QMetaProperty metaproperty = metaobject->property(i);constchar*name = metaproperty.name(); QVariant value = object->property(name);qDebug() << name ...
Qt Group is the leading independent technology behind millions of devices and applications with displays. Qt offers a cross-platform software framework for the development of apps and devices, under both commercial and open-source licenses. Qt enable a single software code across all operating systems...
(1)拖动源(Drag Source):拖动源是用户从其中开始拖动的对象,如文件、文本或图像。在Qt C++中,任何继承自QWidget的类都可以作为拖动源。 (2)拖动数据(Drag Data):拖动数据是用户拖动的实际内容。在Qt C++中,拖动数据由QMimeData类表示,可以包含多种数据格式,如纯文本、图像、URL等。
Qt-Open-Source-Project libQt https://gitee.com/drabelfjcommInternetFashionedInstaller innosetup打包[样式]QDarkStyleSheet A dark style sheet for QtWidgets application[painter画图]StockKLine股票K线图EasyPaint 类似画图软件QTexEngine[图表]qwt 6.1.3 文档http://qwt.sourceforge.net/...
Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of it in new ...
在Linux系统下使用QT打开工程,一般可以按照以下步骤操作: **一、基础概念** 1. **QT工程** - QT工程是一组包含源文件(如`.cpp`、`.h`文件)、资源文件(如图片、图...
1.基于MinGW静态编译Qt 基于MinGW静态编译Qt其实有一份官方的教程 Building a static Qt for Windows ...