AVERROR(EINVAL)无效参数 ; AVERROR(ENOMEM)内存不足 ; AVERROR(EIO)IO 错误 ; AVERROR(ENOENT)文件不存在 ; AVERROR(EBUSY)资源繁忙 ; AVERROR(EPERM)权限错误 ; AVERROR_UNKNOWN未知错误 ; 错误码 AVERROR() 是一个宏定义 , 该 宏定义定义在 error.h 头文件中 , #define AVERROR(e) (-(e)) //...
A jar is not recognized error appears when installing the Performance Overview plug-in Symptoms Installing the Performance Overview plug-in fails You receive an error when installing the Performance O...调试go语言出现:exec: "gcc": executable file not found in %PATH% 1、问题描述 由于安装VS15 ...
app.exec() File "/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/qutebrowser/browser/webengine/webenginetab.py", line 743, in _js_cb_multiple error_cb(webelem.Error("Unknown error while getting " File "/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/qutebrowser/browser/hints.py", line 797, in <lambda> error_...
Qt::CaseSensitive : Qt::CaseInsensitive); if(index >=0 ) { c.setPosition(index); c.setPosition(index + target.length(), QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); m_plainTextEdit->setTextCursor(c);//将光标信息设置到文本框里面才能看见效果 } } if(m_forwardButton.isChecked()) { index = text.lastInde...
QGraphicsRectItem(QRectF(scenePos, QSizeF(50, 50))); scene()->addItem(rectItem); // 将事件传递给基类以进行默认处理 QGraphicsView::mousePressEvent(event); } }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); CustomGraphicsView view; view.show(); return app.exec()...
importsysfromQtimportQtWidgetsapp=QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)button=QtWidgets.QPushButton("Hello World")button.show()app.exec_() Also see/examples Documentation All members ofQtstem directly from those available via PySide2, along with these additional members. ...
', 'W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '!', '\n'};std::span<char> message(messageData);qint64 bytesWritten = serialPort.write(message.data(), message.size());if (bytesWritten == -1) {cerr << "Failed to write data to the serial port." << endl;return 1;}return app.exec();}...
/Users/<username>/Qt5.12.7/Qt Creator.app/Contents/Resources/libexec/clang/bin9/clang-format 这里的bin9是新建的文件夹,区别于原来的bin 设置QtCreator,clang-format和clang-tidy分别指向该路径 配置clang-format的格式化风格,.clang-format文件最终会保存在: ...
exec(ptWgt); if (pSelect == nullptr) return; } /* 工程: ECRS_VideoPlayer 日期: 2021-03-08 作者: DS小龙哥环境: win10 QT5.12.6 MinGW32 功能: 点击了功能设置菜单 */ void Widget::slot_onConfigurationFunction(QAction *action) { if (action == nullptr) return; //得到按下的序号 MENU_...
报错原因:缺少相关配置文件 1打开本机电脑的qt自带控制台 ? 选择你编译的那个打开 ? 在这里输入你的编译后的exe文件位置 ? 然后输入cwindeployqt+程序名称 ? 就会发现你的文件里多了不少文件,就可以在其他电脑上运行了