XX does not name a type, 中文意思为“XX没有命名一个类型“class B{ public:B(){} ~B(){} private:A a;};class A{ public:A(){} ~A(){} private:int a;};编译成则将报一个error:"A does not name a type"
1.系统时间修改 首先是系统时间问题 1 2 SYSTEMTIME current_date_time; GetLocalTime( ¤t_date_time ); 编译无法通过,因为GetLocalTime是Windows API 函数,无法兼容linux,改为 QDateTime datetime =QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QString Timestamp= datetime.toString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.zzz"); 即成功...
Node OS:Ubuntu 20.04 gcc版本: 9.3.0 (Ubuntu JS版本: v9.6.1 npm版本: 5.6.0 Qt - > Qt 5.9.9 (自定义安装包括以下选项) H 111 Qt 5.9.9 -> Desktop 64位H 212H 113 Qt 5.9.9 -> Qt网络Authorization Qt 5.9.9 ->Qt脚本(Deprecated) qtwebkit版本: 5.212 运行npm后,项目将失败,并出现以下...
33: error: ‘uint8_t’ has not been declared static QString toString(uint8_t* cUserId/*, uint16_t cUserIdSize*/); ^ ../src/core.hpp:57:9: error: ‘uint8_t’ does not name a type uint8_t* cUserId; ^ ../src/core.hpp:58:9: error: ‘uint16_t’ does not name a ty...
编译qt4.8.7时..首先使用了交叉编译工具链编译了tslib结果如下:编译命令如下:./configure --host=arm-poky-linux-gnueabi --prefix=/home/vmuser/qt4/
【报错】error: ‘QSharedMemory’ does not name a type 尝试清理重新编译: make confclean ./autoconfigure.sh make 【编译成功】 make install 在安装目录下生成编译成功后的qmake 继续前一步,在qt creator上添加新编译产生的qmake: opencv交叉编译: 下载opencv源码 安装编译依赖库 cmake 、cmake-qt-gui sud...
echo >&2 echo " The build script does not currently recognize all" >&2 echo " platforms supported by Qt." >&2 echo " Rerun this script with a -platform option listed to" >&2 echo " set the system/compiler combination you use." >&2 echo >&2 ...
【报错】error: ‘QSharedMemory’ does not name a type 尝试清理重新编译: make confclean ./autoconfigure.sh make 1. 2. 3. 【编译成功】 make install 在安装目录下生成编译成功后的qmake 继续前一步,在qt creator上添加新编译产生的qmake: opencv交叉编译: ...
在共享文件夹里将WINDOWS里已经编写好的QT程序编译之后,提示 Qt5: Unknown module(s) in QT: serialport 经查询,需要安装对应的模块库,写入 sudo apt-get install libqt5serialport5-dev libudev-dev 但命
error: ‘uint32x4_t’ does not name a typeinline void ARIA_GSRK_NEON(const uint32x4_t X, const uint32x4_t Y, byte RK[16])^../aria_simd.cpp:66:54: error: ‘uint32x4_t’ does not name a typeinline void ARIA_GSRK_NEON(const uint32x4_t X, const uint32x4_t Y, byte RK[...