1、Designer中,创建一个QGraphicsView小部件(“Graphics View”类别下的“Display Widgets”)。 2、用鼠标右键单击QGraphicsView并选择““Promote To...”。 3、在“Promoted calss name”下,输入您希望使用的类名称(“PlotWidget”,“GraphicsLayoutWidget”等)。 4、在“Header file”下,输入“pyqtgraph”。 5、...
Y形管由abci、edcf 以及cihgf三部分组成,内部的颜色由流体的流速决定。各个部分均使用逻辑坐标系绘制...
The easiest way is to use promoted widgets. Let's say you have a widget that displays the current time in a fancy way: from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets, uic class TimeFrame(QtWidgets.QFrame): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args...
设置GraphicsView的属性:选择刚刚添加的GraphicsView控件,右键点击并选择"Promote to..." -> "Promote to...(或其他合适的布局方式)",在弹出的对话框中,将"Base class name"设置为"QGraphicsView",将"Promoted class name"设置为"pyqtgraph.GraphicsView",然后点击"Add"按钮。 保存并生成代码:选择"File" -> ...
Solution: add QWidget then Promoted to QWebEngineView Steps drag a new QWidget into your main ui (window) right click QWidget -> Promoted to new popup window, input Base class Name: QWidget Promoted class Name: QWebEngineView Header File: PySide6.QtWebEngineWidgets == parent...
Qt Designer is a great tool for designing PyQt6 GUIs, allowing you to use the entire range of Qt5 widgets and layouts to construct your apps. As your applications get more complex however you may find yourself creating custom widgets, or using PyQt6 libraries such as PyQtGraph, who's widge...
designing PyQt5 GUIs, allowing you to use the entire range of Qt5 widgets and layouts to construct your apps. As your applications get more complex however you may find yourself creating custom widgets, or using PyQt5 libraries such asPyQtGraph, who's widgets are not available within Designer...
QT- Designer 添加继承的控件类 在QtDesigner中添加派生类我介绍的是基类为QMainWindow的窗体,想要在MainWindow::centralwidget下添加一个派生类,但又不想采用工具栏中添加原有的类型,如... to…….弹出一个窗口,图2,在Promoted class name中写入**,点击Add,图3,点击Promote,图4, 保存为**.ui,发现在生成的ui...
for widgets that you've promoted in the Qt Designer interface. Usually, this should be done by calling registerCustomWidget on the QUiLoader, but with PySide 1.1.2 on Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64 this causes a segfault. :method:`~PySide.QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName()` is called on the ...
Generally, you can use custom widgets in Qt Designer through the promote mechanism. This means you add an item of the base class of your custom item to your UI layout, right click on it, then go to "Promote to ...". Since we're using Python instead of C++, the "Header file" in...